I was reading an inspiring blog and realized that I need to start my blog again. I won't be as consistent as I was on my mission or in Jerusalem (thanks Mom for making me be consistent). But I do realize now that I need to continue. It was so therapeutic and not to be prideful, I had many people tell me that I helped them while I was on my mission because of the letters I sent. So I hope to continue on as I share my journey of life.
4 months and 8 days ago, I came home from one of the most amazing experiences of my life. As I have been home, I have been asked some interesting questions. How was your mission? How are you doing? What are you doing with your life now? First off, 'How was your mission?' is probably one of the silliest questions that could be asked, but we all ask it anyways. How am I supposed to answer? It was the worst time of my life? NOO!!! I will be eternally grateful to Heavenly Father for allowing me to be blessed to go on a mission. It was in His plan because I needed it. Yes, I'm sure others were influenced as well by me going on a mission, but I had to go on a mission to return to the celestial kingdom. I wasn't a bad kid before my mission, but I just went with the flow. I did what was expected of me and never really questioned why. I never knew why I was supposed to be doing the right thing. I did feel the Holy Ghost and had a testimony of the happiness from the gospel, but what a mission gave me was knowledge and skills to return to Him. I learned the whys of life. I learned how to live life, not just walk through life. Again, I am eternally grateful to my Father for pushing, supporting, and blessing me with going on a mission to Croatia.
The second question: How are you doing? Especially my first month, I was thrown off with this question. I would look at people and say, "What do you think? Am I being the typical awkward missionary?" When I was talking with a guy, I would jokingly say, "Well, I'm talking to you right now, so that's a good sign, right?" But seriously, how was I supposed to react to that? I miss being in Croatia every day. I miss speaking in a language that only a very small percentage of the world knows. I miss my brothers and sisters on the other side of the world with whom I can barely contact and who knows if I will ever see them again. I miss that missionary schedule. I miss having someone right beside me who sees everything I see, who listens to my desires, hope and dreams, who pushes me to become the best I can be, who is my constant friend. I miss serving the Lord 24/7. How do you think I'm doing? The only comfort I find is in the revelation I received right before coming home after talking to my mission president: the Lord has a new plan for me and He needs me in Utah. That was the only comfort I had at first. I knew the Lord needed me at home. I didn't like it because I wanted to be needed in Croatia, but I accepted it. So how was I needed? Well that will be answered from the next question I was/am asked all the time. With all this missing, don't worry. I am fine. I'm living life the best I can with the Lord's help. What more do I need? Life is good.
What are you doing with your life now? Before I answer that question, I want to explain about my purpose now that I have returned from a mission. That was one of my fears coming home-not figuring out my purpose because as a missionary I knew my purpose. My purpose was to invite others to come unto Christ by helping them receive the restored gospel through faith in Jesus Christ and His Atonement, repentance, baptism, receive the gift of the Holy Ghost, and endure to the end. But I knew what I needed to do as a missionary. When I came home, I started on this search for what my purpose was. It took me almost a month of searching before one day in my personal study, the thought came "My purpose is to invite others to come unto Christ." My purpose as a missionary is the same as a returned missionary. So in my life right now, I'm trying to do just that. The best transition I could have asked was to be a resident's assistant. That means I'm a big sister to the freshmen girls on my floor. I help them get through their first year of school. I couldn't have asked for a better job for me right now. This job has helped me so much to focus on my girls, so I don't have to be selfish and focus on myself. I tried getting over that the last year and a half, I would prefer that the progress I made not go backwards. I am also the ward missionary! I dreamed of having this calling while I was on my mission, so I'm glad it came true. Between my job and my calling, I have grown to love these girls. I hurt when they hurt, I'm super happy when they're happy. They are my sisters. I'm so grateful for them. Me being a part of their lives has made me grown in so many ways.
Well I think I had enough of therapy for tonight. Thanks for those who read all the way to the end, I hope you were able to gain something out of this other than Kristine is a rambler. But seriously, I hope that you're living in a way that the Lord is able to bless you. Keep going and being strong! I love this one song I listened on my mission called "Mountains to Climb" sung by Erin Thomas (which I am listening to right now coincidently). I would always rock out to this on P-days (through lds.org, don't worry I was obeying the white handbook). But it would just pump me up for another week which I knew would be filled with trials, but I also knew that these trials were pushing me towards something better (Ether 6:5). Ok I really am a rambler. Laku noc! (good-night) Volim vas. (I love you)
Sunday, December 8, 2013
Monday, July 29, 2013
Week #79
To je to-That's that
This is it. I'm sitting here in the mission office writing my last e-mail. I have been very bipolar yesterday and today. I get really excited about home and then the next second I start crying when I think about leaving these people because of the miracles that have happened. For instance, we were walking on Korzo (the main strip) and I saw a woman who looked familiar. I called out a name to her then she turned around. She was a former English student who I have been praying to find. I hadn't been able to find her number and she wasn't answering her e-mails. So I just assumed she was gone. But then God blessed us to be at the right place at the right time. Miracle number 2, two women who we have been working with, Z and S, who have both said for some reason why they wouldn't get baptized yet, said yes this last week. October 5 is a long ways away, but it's in the Lord's time. It's the time they need. Miracle number 3, a woman who we have been doing service for, met up with us this last week to say good-bye. She was there at the open house and has watched us as missionaries and the members in our branch. A, this woman, lit up as we talked about the open house. She said that she had been thinking about our religion and has been talking to her husband, her family, and her neighbors about us. And I asked her what she thought. "You have something different," she said. I then asked her if she knew anything about the Book of Mormon. A replied, "I know nothing, I'm like in the 1st grade." I explained a bit about it, then asked her if she would like one because I had one especially for her. She got so excited. When I handed her the Book of Mormon, she cradled it in her hands then pressed it to her heart. I've never seen someone care for the Book of Mormon so much. As she opened it and started reading, the Spirit came in so strongly and quickly, it almost knocked me over. We talked a little more and she said that once she got back from holiday (which starts on Wednesday), she is going to come to church and focus on learning about our church. Just now thinking about it, if we had asked her to be baptized she probably would have accepted!! I don't know why we didn't but anyways. She will. Miracle number 4, the member who we found who lives near Pula came to Rijeka and partook of the sacrament for the first time in almost 5 years. Being there with all the missionaries partaking the sacrament with him. It just felt so good. I talked to him last night and he found his old missionary tag and had a new excitement in him when he was talking about his mission. He's back. Miracle number 5 needs a background story. The first couple I met in Rijeka became my brother and sister my first two transfers. We kept a little bit of connection, the little that I could do. Then I returned back, and things had gotten really bad at their place. The husband is Bosnian and has had visa troubles and the wife is working full-time but the pay is not enough to pay for everything. And so many missionaries have come and gone, he didn't want to see me because he would get happy then just get sad when I left again. We went over to their places many times, I wrote many notes, but nothing. Then this last Friday, we were sitting down on Korzo making calls, and I look up, and there he is walking with his wife. I ran up to them. We talked for a few minutes and made plans to play basketball the next day. I couldn't believe it. I thought I would go my whole time in Rijeka and not see him again. The next day, basketball was awesome and fun. Then last night, we went to their place to have brownies and ice cream. It was so good. It still is a dream to me that it actually happened. I don't know how many prayers I have prayed for this couple, my brother and sister. And it finally came true. As we left, Sestra Palmer turned to me and said, "Now that's a way to end a night." And it was. They were the first people I met and the last I visited with. All of this has been happening because of Jesus Christ. The man who believes in 2nd chances, 3rd, 4th,...chances. The man who did everything so we could have this chance. The man who understands us so well and believes in us so he gave us this second chance so we can return to our Heavenly Father and live in happiness forever (Alma 7:11-13). This is it. This is the end. But now the beginning of the rest of my life. And as President told me in my final interview, I'm in no better position right now to begin the rest of my life. Through the habits I have learned and the strength I have gained, there's no way that I can keep Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ out of my life. It's not possible. Their love for me and my love for them will not change or go anywhere. And that love I have for you all will stay forever also. Volim vas. To je to.
Monday, July 22, 2013
Week #78
Nemogu vjeovat'-I can't believe it
This is it. My last week. I can't believe it. Where has the time gone? Where will it go this next week? But something that I do know that it will be filled with miracles because this last week I can't believe. This last week we decided to go to Pula which has the biggest, full coliseum in the world! (Rome is partial) There was a branch there 3 years ago, so we went through the area book to see who we could find. We were able to talk to 7 old investigators who said they would love to visit with us! We also went through our members and one woman said we could meet up who has been in active for at least a few years. Then two nights before we were to be in Pula, Sestra Palmer turned to me and said, "Sestra, there are more people we need to contact." So we went through the area book again, and found a member's old teaching record who wasn't on the membership records. But there was another name on the record in the spot where we write down if there were any members who helped on the lessons. We called the number. He answered. I asked, "Is this Bojan? My name is Sestra Jolley from the Church of Jesus Christ. This might sound weird, but we found your name and number and have no idea why. Can you explain to us why?" He just laughed and said, "I'm a member of your church." We got really excited and what happened was that he lives in Rovinj, about half an hour from Pula, working with tourism and half of the year he's in Rovinj and the other half in Italy, but too far away from church to make it on Sundays. He continues on with his story that he was baptized 11 years ago, he went on a mission to Virginia, came back became the branch president in Rijeka. Then he had to move to Zagreb, then left Zagreb for the job he has now. He hasn't really heard from the church for 5 years except an e-mail invitation two years ago. He just felt forgotten from the Church. But then we were able to see him in Pula a few days later. While we met with him, we barely brought about his own conversion and that he knows he needs to do better. I asked the question, "So what are you going to do?" And he answered in reply like a little kid who knows he did something wrong, "I know. I know. Yes, I will!" I hadn't even asked him to do anything! We had a great chit chat with him, then later that night we sent a text and he replied, "It was really pleasure to meeting you and really a blessing to re-connect with the Church. I am grateful to have this opportunity that Heavenly Father showed me through you that He thinks of me even when I ignore him for so long time!" I can't believe it! I also can't believe from our trip to Pula we talked to three people who want to keep in contact with us over the phone. So we received three new investigators! I can't believe it!
This week, we also did a creative inviting idea that Sestra Lethco and I came up with last summer, but never got around to it. This last week Ann Madsen who was the American mother of Krešimir Čosić and who serves on the General Sunday School Board came to ex-Yugoslavia to talk to everyone about the new curriculum. To advertise we past around water bottles with the message "Are you thirsty?" John 4:14 and an advertisement to come and never be thirsty again. I have never had so much fun with a finding idea. It was so much fun handing out water bottles and asking if they are thirsty then following up that through Jesus Christ they'll never be thirsty again. And the result, about 20 members came and 3 people who we invited on the street. One took a Book of Mormon and said she would come to church. She didn't come to church, but who knows? Maybe she will this week. I can't believe how much fun we had and the result of it.
Another can't believe is that we met some 7th Day Adventists (that's not the can't believe part). But as we talked, we invited them to church and they said they'll come if we come to theirs. So we surprised them by going on Saturday. One of the ladies said that she wasn't sure if we were coming. Surprise! But then after the service, one other member of the congregation invited us over for lunch. It was a nice surprise. Her and her family actually lived in California during the war, so some spoke English (but since some didn't speak English so we spoke only in Croatian which I can handle now, poor Sestra Palmer). It was so nice of this woman to invite us to her home and we were able to have "Sunday" dinner with them on Saturday. While she was driving us back, she said that while growing up if there were guests at church, her mom would invite them over to eat lunch. Sometimes they would come, sometimes not. But that's how she is too. Sestra Palmer and I talked about it later that we were both a little nervous that they invited us over to have a bash session on which day the Sabbath is, but that never happened. We shared some of our beliefs, they shared some of theirs, we gave them a pamphlet, they gave us lunch. It was just a really nice hour. Then the next day at church, the woman who invited us to church at the beginning followed through with her deal and came to church. She said she liked it, and we invited her to learn more. She agreed. I can't believe it.
PS the Elders have two baptismal dates from these boys who are 11 and 13. Our own little deacons quorum starting up!
PSS Z said she wanted to get baptized, but that she was scared and wouldn't set a date.
These are just a few of the things that happened this week that I can't believe. But as I was reading in General Conference this last April Elder Holland's talk "Lord, I Believe" reminds me of my own faith. I feel like the man in Mark 9:24. Lord, I believe, but help my unbelief. I believe miracles can happen here in Rijeka, but Lord help my lack of vision. Help me see what you see. I believe and try so hard, but give me the strength to do thy will. Now as I go into my last week, I believe I can go home with no regrets and talk to each person I need to. But Lord, help me with my unbelief. Show me the miracles that I can't see. Push me until I see. Keep following the promptings the Lord has given you so you can see the miracles he has planned for all of you. Samo još tjedan dana. Only more one week. Volim vas!
S vjećnom ljubavlju,
Vaša kćer,
Sestra Kristine Jolley
Uvijek Sljedići Braće
Vaša kćer,
Sestra Kristine Jolley
Uvijek Sljedići Braće
Monday, July 15, 2013
Week #77
Prsti-Fingers and Toes
This week's title has to do with the numbers of fingers and toes. This week we had more new investigators than the 6 weeks before that combined!!! It was so great! Yes, I can count on one hand how many investigators that is, but it's still more! One new investigator we met one month ago, and she didn't seem too interested, but accepted a Book of Mormon and gave us her number. We finally were able to meet up with her and she just opened up about how she's been looking for what God wants her to do more. She wants to follow Jesus Christ, but so many people around her don't know who He is. But a few days after she met us, she felt peace and knew we knew who Jesus Christ is. She started reading the Book of Mormon and is in 1 Nephi 18! She absolutely loves it! She feels like a child could understand it, and she applies it to her life now. For instance, she spoke of Lehi ("the one man who took his family into the wilderness"). She understood how that felt because of raising her family sometimes life brings them into situations that she doesn't know what to expect. But she keeps going with faith anyways. As Z was baring her testimony of the Book of Mormon, you could just feel her know the truthfulness of it and how much God has sent this as scripture and not just as another good book. It was so good to hear and feel! At the end of our lesson, I asked her to think about for next time, "Why do we have the Book of Mormon and the Bible?" We'll see what she thinks when we get to it next time.
This last week I had my last zone conference. It was a little unreal. I felt like my normal self until it came time for the testimony meeting. Usually the leaving missionaries stand up and bare their testimony. I felt the Spirit prompting me to bare my testimony, but my fear overcame me. I thought, "What is this? Fear? This is not me. This is not the missionary who I am. I bare my testimony all day every day, why is this time so difficult?" As I was sorting out my concern, I realized that I didn't want it to be my last not because I didn't want to go home, or because I love Croatia so much (which I do love home and Croatia), but I was afraid to go home. I was afraid to go to a new life. I was afraid that I wasn't going to find my purpose as a returned missionary which purpose I came to know and love as a missionary. Then I realized that this is must be how it feels like to those who I have seen be baptized. It's scary because it's a new life. There is no way I can go back to the person who I used to be. And scared that I will go back to the person who I was which was not a bad person, but not the person who I need to be now. My fear overcame my faith, but as I realized my fear, I took a deep breath and had my faith overcome my fear. There are still times now that I feel that fear, but I'm trying to do like Alma in Alma 17:11. I'm trying to show these people to be a good example. I want to show them that our fear CANNOT overcome our faith. So these last 15 days, I will act on faith over my fears. I love you all and I hope that you'll overcome your fears. Volim vas!
S vjećnom ljubavlju,
Vaša kćer,
Sestra Kristine Jolley
Uvijek Sljedići Braće
Vaša kćer,
Sestra Kristine Jolley
Uvijek Sljedići Braće
Saturday, July 6, 2013
Week #76
I absolutely love this town. I love waking up in the morning, getting on my knees, asking for the Lord to bless these people who I love. I love studying the scriptures for an hour, discuss with my companion how we can learn and grow and help those people come closer to God's love. I love going out with the energy, hope, and faith to find people who are ready to learn more. I love walking along the sea with the breeze constantly pushing us as if it knows that there are people ready and supporting us to keep moving. I love coming home, feeling entirely exhausted, praying and accounting for our day's work, and praying that tomorrow we can be better than we were the day before. I love sitting on our balcony, overlooking my beautiful Rijeka, seeing where we have traveled, remember the people we have met, the people who have influenced me for good. I love my dear companion Sestra Compare who sadly was mid-transfer transferred to Banja Luka :(, but I love my new companion Sestra Palmer who is starting to love Rijeka as much as I do. I love that she's been out for only 5 weeks and has already learned so much of what it means to be a missionary. I love how already our brainwaves work together and while we were making goals, the goals lined up so perfectly. I love how excited I am for how much potential my last month has. I love being a missionary. As I was studying about love this past week I realized in Moroni 7:40-48 it gives the steps of how to attain faith, but it all starts with a prayer that I could be filled with love. It hit me this week and I experienced this week that love isn't about what you receive. It's all about giving. If I expect something in return, then that isn't true love. I'm willing to go out tracting for three hours because I love the people, and I love the gospel, but I don't expect baptisms in return. Yes, I have faith that it could, but that's not what matters. What matters is that I'm giving my all for them, so they can have just a chance to be happy. It's not a waste if something doesn't happen. It's all because I love them. I hate the fact that I can count on one hand how many weeks I have left, but only because I love you and I love them. Have a great week full of love! Volim vas.
Tuesday, June 25, 2013
Week #75
Plitvička Jezora-Plitvice Lakes
So the reason why I'm writing so late is because yesterday we went to the Lakes! And it down poured!!! A lot of us missionaries went "swimming" because of all the rain. It was crazy, but a lot of fun to be together and just get some more energy from the entire group. I don't know how it is in other missions, but sometimes it can be lonely serving with just one or two sets of other missionaries. It's nice to get together sometimes. A fun miracle of the week was I got on the bus on Sunday, and I just barely sat down before someone asked me, "Do you hold Bible discussions?" I said, "Well, yes, they are more personal and we talk about Jesus Christ." She said, "Now I'm interested in that!" We talked for a few minutes and she was really interested. I showed her my Book of Mormon and she got soo excited! I told her we didn't have an extra copy, so we can come by her place. I got her address and she didn't remember her number but we gave her our information and we'll see if we get a Best Two Years miracle and have her call us. If anything, we'll just stop by her place ;) But my favorite miracle of the day I found out about two hours ago. I talked to Sestra Mortensen last week and things were looking really good with Mario, the investigator from Osijek who wanted to follow the commandments so badly. I told her to give me a call as soon as he accepts baptism....well, today she called. AHH!!! He is down to 2 cigarettes, we made a goal with him a month ago to stop smoking this week, and he is definitely focused on it! AHH!!! I can't wait! Pray for him on July 22. So I'll still be in the country when he gets baptized ;)
Another miracle, we have a new building here in Rijeka. It is absolutely gorgeous!!! We had an open house which consisted of about 65 people attending! Then at church we had 21 people in Sunday School class. Last year we were lucky to get 8! And this weekend the Elders have a baptism to this awesome man who has been involved with the Book of Mormon for 10 years! Crazy right? What the miracles!
Sestra Compare and I had an interesting discussion about instruments. For the Lord makes us an instrument in His hands, but sometimes we are used as different tools: hammer, chisel, brush, etc.. The Lord needs everyone of us in different ways, and depending on the situation. So my challenge to everyone is be an instrument that isn't gathering dust! Find an instrument that you are needed for right now and go to work! You'll be great as long as it's what the Lord wants! Sretno! Good luck! Volim vas!
Monday, June 17, 2013
Week #74
Okrijepi-To comfort
This week wasn't as successful as I hoped it would be...but you know what that means? We just have to wait a little bit longer :) For the miracles will come. We were able to contact a less-active member who was baptized right before I got to Rijeka last year, so I knew him and it was good to see him again! But the result of the visit was pretty much he didn't want to talk to missionaries anymore and that he will let us know if he wants contact again. It was really rough and we gave him some options of any sort of contact, but it all comes down to what he chooses. Life is all about free agency which is ALWAYS a blessing. Sometimes it may seem like a curse, but in the long run it's a blessing. I felt like Alma this week in Alma 31:31-35. I'm praying for the Lord to comfort my soul because of the choices of others. I'm praying for the Lord to comfort those who I work with that they may feel strength. For I am weak. I can't without him. Please comfort us in Christ. Help us to help them how to find comfort. Comfort us with enough peace and hope to help others. Okrijepi nas. Comfort us. Sometimes it's scary to start a new day or a new week, but with Christ we can do all things. We just need to do a few things. Pray, read scriptures, rely on the Lord. Easier said than done, but it's not impossible. Have a faith filled week this week and see the hope of tomorrow so you can show your faith and fulfill what you need to do. Volim vas!
S vjećnom ljubavlju,
Vaša kćer,
Sestra Kristine Jolley
Uvijek Sljedići Braće
Vaša kćer,
Sestra Kristine Jolley
Uvijek Sljedići Braće
Monday, June 10, 2013
Week #73
Pozdrav iz mora! Greetings from the sea! The weather has been on and off this past week. We went from beautiful morning to dark rainy afternoons to clear gorgeous sunsets. It was quite lopsided, but I love it :) I'm officially back with Sestra C! We arrived last night together and ready to work hard this week to get things done! I was surprised this past week didn't go as planned. But how come that surprised me? That's missionary life. We pray and plan to be where the Lord wants us to be, but then things happen and we aren't where we planned, but we are where the Lord wants us to be anyways. So this week we worked hard, and I was surprised by the numbers. I don't think I had this low of numbers since Zadar. When I told Sestra C this, she was like, "Well, not everywhere is like Osijek." That hit me, oh yeah, I was very happy with all the success we were having in Osijek. Not as many baptisms that should have happened, but definitely filled with lessons. So now I'm back to starting from ground zero, but the thing is that I can see Rijeka being like Osijek. I see us seeing these people all the time in lessons not just at the doors. I see these people's eyes filled with the light of the Holy Ghost despite the darkness and sadness they have experienced throughout their life. I see them with an eye of faith. I realized this week that this is what my mission has done to me. Seeing everything and everyone with an eye of faith. I always thought that I had faith for people but what I had was hope. I saw where they could be, but I didn't always act that they could reach that point. Having faith for something is acting. Having faith is continually striving to be better. Having faith is loving the Lord and doing exactly what he says. I love how it says in Ether 12:19, their "faith was so exceedingly strong, even before Christ came,...but truly saw with their eyes the things which they had beheld with an eye of faith, and they were glad." Having faith keeps us happy. Having faith continually gives us a reason to keep going. Having faith gives us love from everyone and our Lord who loves us more than we can comprehend. Have faith. Volim vas.
Monday, June 3, 2013
Week #72
Nisam očekovala-I didn't expect
This was a week of full of unexpected events. We expected to leave Tuesday to go to Zagreb to meet the new missionaries, but then they were stuck in Seattle!! So we planned to come in Wednesday morning. Well...surprise they were stuck in another place (I still don't know where) but then we were told not to come in until Wednesday night. So we had to figure a lot of last minute plans and to use our time wisely. But it was a nice last few days in Osijek and then we arrived in Rijeka!!! I didn't arrive with Sestra Compare as planned though, she had some things she needed to finish up in Beograd and will be joining me this upcoming Saturday. So who am I with in Rijeka you may be asking? The wonderful Baka Rowe, (Grandma Rowe) this is President Rowe's mother who came on a mission for two years. She's here helping me recontact my old investigators and the members and find some new people who are ready. We take a taxi everywhere and have received 2 numbers, placed 1 Book of Mormon, and made many friends. It's wonderful! It's been interesting to see how many things in Rijeka haven't changed and new developments that have taken place. It just feels so right to be back. I didn't realize how much I have missed Rijeka until I first saw it coming over the hill on the bus. I love living in this beautiful area and being with these beautiful people. We didn't have the success that I thought we were going to have right off the bat, but we are preparing for a shoot off when Sestra Compare gets here. We are just doing what we can do, and I can't wait to fulfill the purposes that I'm meant to do here. I have faith in these people. I have seen the growth in them and in myself. I know that if I push as hard as I can to do what the Lord wants to do that we will succeed together. And because of that fulfillment and our faith, our joy will be full (3 Nephi 17:20). I love that phrase, "Blessed are ye because of your faith. And now behold, my joy is full." I didn't expect this week to go the way it has, but I have faith to continue on and I know that even though we won't have 200 baptisms during the time I'm here, that I have the faith to fulfill the purposes God has for me here, and the joy will come. The joy is already here for me. I'm blessed to return to this wonderful place. I'm so happy, so jolly ;) Have a wonderful day and feel the joy. Volim vas!
Monday, May 27, 2013
Week #71
Vratim se domu!-I'm returning home!
No this is not announcing that I'll be returning back to my American home. For my last transfer, I'll be returning back to Rijeka!!! I'm going back to my first Croatian home! I'm sooo excited! I'll be the first sister there since I've been there last year. I'm so blessed. And another surprise is that I won't be training! I'll be with Sestra Compare. I'm very excited to be back with her especially since it will be my last transfer, and we'll just push each other beyond measure! I was surprised to not train, but the Lord wanted us to be together in Rijeka, so here come the baptisms! An even bigger surprise is that Sestra Mortensen is training and so are everyone of the sisters in her MTC group! If you didn't understand that let me explain. Every sister that came to this mission 2 months ago is training starting this Wednesday. Crazy huh? But they are so ready and prepared. They feel nervous, but I know each of them will do a fantastic job :)
Sad news of the week: D doesn't want to be baptized until October. She wants to wait for her friend to baptize her and he can't come out until October. But she's still the cutest little thing ever and I'm excited for whenever she does get baptized.
Miracle of the week: During companionship study, Sestra Mortensen read, "Our Search for Happiness" by Elder Packer, the part where he speaks of his experience as a mission president and his elders set him up to speak at a college. Well, there are many colleges in Osijek and we live less than a block from a Theological college. Our plans were switched around a bit and we found ourselves with some extra time, so we decided to talk to the college if they even had forums or lectures which our mission president could speak with them. We started talking to some college students about who we would talk to and then 10 minutes later we are talking to one of the head directors. He said he loved the idea, but one more person needed to ok it and he was in America for a week. I won't be here to talk with this man (we found out later is the president of the college), but Sestra Mortensen and her greenie will do great! The forum will be super fantastic! But this wasn't the miracle. After speaking with this head director about our idea, he said, "I actually have been looking for Mormons for quite some time. I have a question. I was reading in the Bible and it suggests that Paul did baptisms for the dead. Do you believe in that?" We both looked at each other not expecting this to happen at all, then replied, "Yes. We do." Then continued on speaking about the Spirit World. This man has been in pain for about 15-20 years because his father died an atheist, and he believes his father and grandfather are burning in hell. He even admitted himself that this fact pains him and he can't see a loving Heavenly Father just allowing them to suffer with no hope to happiness just because they didn't know. After we spoke about the Spirit World he said he would like to talk more the next time we come back. He is so ready to find peace! I'm excited to hear how it all goes. And I'm excited to see how ready Rijeka is now. There were soooo many people who were so close to being baptized, was a year enough time for them? I am sure counting on it! I'm praying as I serve my last transfer that I'll be able to serve as it talks in Mosiah 2:21. I'll live and move and do according to his will because I want to serve with all my soul and not become an unprofitable servant. For I'm not serving a mission to gain for my own soul, but for the souls of others. Bring it on! Volim vas!
Monday, May 20, 2013
Week #70
So this week there were some surprises! First off, we headed to Beograd for the conference with Elder Patrick Kearon. We thought we would have enough time for internet...but we didn't. I borrowed one of the senior couple's laptop after the fireside to write a quick e-mail to you all, but...surprise! The e-mail didn't go through. At the member fireside there were so many members that about 20 missionaries had to be kicked out so there was enough room. Surprise! A funny story at the amazing missionary conference the next day was that Elder Kearon asked for a missionary who was good at role plays and my whole district plus some other missionaries pointed at me and said, "Sister Jolley!" Well, this role play he told me that I had to contact him on the street with the most miserable face I can make and introduce the Book of Mormon and how the message makes you happy. I could not do it! They said that I kept a straight face, but it was sooo hard! After the role play, he asked what the missionaries thought. One elder said, "I don't think I've ever seen Sestra Jolley without a smile." Haha. Well, I'm glad I keep up with my name :) Role playing with a General Authority..surprise! When we arrived back home to Osijek, the next day we had some down time, so we looked for some former investigators. I knocked on the door that I thought was right, the woman opened up and said that there was no Kristina in the area. So we went in talking about our message and she offered us to come in for some water. We went in and talked for a few minutes, and she said she let us in because we looked like nice girls and there was this good feeling from us. She just felt like she was supposed to offer us something to drink and let us in. I told her that was the Holy Ghost and that she needed to hear what we had to say. Surprise! That caught her off guard, but she agreed to let us come back this upcoming week. Later that day, the Elders couldn't make it to one of their lessons and asked us if we could cover for them. Well, we had a lesson already scheduled. So you know what that means? Sestra Mortensen's first time going on splits. Surprise! And from what I can tell, she did a wonderful job! M is doing fantastic! This last time when we met with him, our branch president is becoming friends with M and said maybe we should make this visit more like a social call. But after 10 or 15 minutes of just chitchatting, M asked us what we were learning today. Surprise! He wants to learn more. He feels the goodness from the gospel. He has been reading the Book of Mormon at least 30 minutes a day and is slowly giving up coffee and smoking. We're getting there! He came to church yesterday with his niece. I gave a talk about obedience and I feel like he felt the importance of being 100% obedient. I wouldn't be surprised if next time he says, "I'm done smoking and drinking. I want to be baptized!" But we'll see how it goes :) A sad surprise is that D doesn't want to be baptized this Saturday. She wants to wait for the man who referred her. He lives near Rijeka and he works for a hotel and with tourist season he can't have a weekend free until October. :( We're still praying and hoping that she is ok with someone else baptizing her. We'll see...But we had a busy week! Another thing that happened at the end of the week was we had an exchange with Sestra Moody and Sestra Matthews. They are our Training Sisters, and Sestra Matthews was just super cute and humble. This is her first transfer and she is already an awesome missionary like Sestra Mortensen. She asked me two questions at the end or our exchange: 1. What do you wish you knew when you first came out? 2.What do you want to continue that you have learned from your mission when you return home? I answered her with one answer. Use of members. I wish I understood how to use members better when I was a greenie and I want to be the best member missionary I can be for the missionaries I work with later. For there is no better work other than what's done in the family, but I want missionary work to be a part of my family. I want to continually be finding those missionary moments throughout my life, throughout each day. For nothing has given me greater happiness thus far. Especially now. I'm feeling what Alma felt in Alma 36:25. I am in the fruit of my labors and have this "exceedingly great joy". I feel the love Heavenly Father has for these people. I feel the love for these people. I can't wait to see the miracles and joy Heavenly Father has in store for my investigators and members this week. Find this joy. Work for this joy. It's worth it. Then you'll see surprises God has for you every day. Volim vas!
S vjećnom ljubavlju,
Vaša kćer,
Sestra Kristine Jolley
Uvijek Sljedići Braće
Vaša kćer,
Sestra Kristine Jolley
Uvijek Sljedići Braće
Tuesday, May 7, 2013
Week #69
Promjena srce- A Change of Heart
This was a great fun week of nothing going to plan and not as many people coming to the activities as we were hoping for. It was quite sad, BUT D agreed to be baptized! She has been wanting to get baptized for about the past month but wants a member she knows in Rijeka to come and baptize her, so she hasn't agreed to a date until they know his schedule. Well, we talked about it and she agreed to get baptized on the 25 of May if this member can be there which will be likely. He still doesn't know his schedule all the way. But we have a date so we can start planning more exactly what she needs and when. Yay! We also had a miracle lesson with one of our members who is also Hara Krishna...long story. But she has come to a down hill lately, but the lesson we had with her helped her realize to read every day from the Book of Mormon and the Bible this week. We'll see how our lesson with her tomorrow goes.
Another miracle despite all the hardships is that Mario, the cousin of another investigator, said that he would get baptized if he feels it. :) Everything he's done in his life has been done because he feels like he needs to do it. So now we just need to help him recognize the answer. But he's definitely getting baptized. I don't know what the Lord's timing is on it, but we're going to try our best to help him realize it this week :) Keep you posted.
Two funny stories that I keep forgetting to mention in my emails. First is that Osijek lives by the Danube, so guess what that means? Komarci! Mosquitos! We played soccer for a branch activity two weeks ago and the next day I counted 40 bites just on my legs! Grosno! Gross! Second story is a language story because just so you know, I'm still not perfect in the language. I'm actually far from perfect, I'm so amazed how I'm getting us through lessons still! The Lord definitely blesses. But anyways, so we were listening to a story from our branch president and well, when I listen to a story especially when I don't know the vocabulary, I fill in the spaces with what I think. He was describing about Beograd in Serbia and how people would go to bomb shelters to runaway from the bombs. Well the word for bomb is bom and the word for candy is bombon. I didn't connect bomb with the word bom and I filled it instead with candy. He asked if I understood at the end and I said, "Were they throwing down candy from the airplanes?" Well, that was a great laugh to last the rest of the day. Learning every day :)
The biggest miracle for me is the change of heart that I felt yesterday and today. I don't know exactly what has been happening, but I can feel the mighty change of heart within me (Mosiah 5:2-4). I love these changes and I am excited to continue feeling like this the rest of my life. Missions are amazing! I received a letter from a friend who has been having missionary experiences even though she's not on a mission. We are all on missions. The Lord's errand. Find what the Lord sees for you and feel the change happening within you! It's great, I promise :) Volim vas!
Monday, April 29, 2013
Week # 68
Samo Vjeujete-Only Believe
This week it seems like we did nothing, but then after reflecting over the week quite a bit happened. Sestra Mortensen was really sick for about 2 days, so that's where the I feel like nothing happened. But then we have 3 new investigators, 31 people were at church, we already have a full week scheduled for this week, and I'm getting pushed to grow even more (weird huh?). One of the new investigators was the cousin of another investigator who is progressing really well. He has a son and is divorced, but needs something more in his life. He is kind of just going day by day, and we're here to help him understand the gospel, so he doesn't have to live day by day, but live for a future. Our other two investigators are a couple who are atheists, but curious about who we are and who are Mormons. I've never taught atheists after the first lesson and usually we don't even get past the door, so I'm excited for this new challenge of teaching someone who doesn't have any beliefs about God. But as she was talking, she is exactly the kind of person we need in the Church in Croatia. She was talking about how these people can live above their circumstances and can find hope in the future instead of living like the war is still going on. She also talked about that the people are so traditional and how they need to figure things out for themselves and know for themselves instead of knowing because of their parents. She has an eye of faith for these people. And these people need to see that in themselves. She would be so great to have in the branch to help everyone see this hope in themselves! I can't wait to teach her and help her come to this knowledge of the gospel and how it will bless her life. Because I know her disbelief is keeping her from blessings that she could receive if she only believed! In Ether 4:13-14, Christ commands the people to believe so they can receive greater things, greater happiness, and see the great things Father has in store for us. I'm so blessed to have this opportunity on my mission to prove to my Father that I believe. That I want the best for my family and for everyone around me. I will do the things that He wants me to do because I believe. And since I do that, I see the greater things that are in store. Believe and see the greater things that are in store for you and your family! For they are there. I know this. Do sljedećeg puta! (Until next time!) Volim vas!!!
Monday, April 22, 2013
Week #67
Načelo vjere-Principle of faith
In Mom's e-mail, she ended speaking of how tithing is a principle of faith and that was what I wanted to talk about. This week was a rough week of losing/dropping investigators this week. This has been the lowest teaching pool I've had since coming to Osijek. It's a little rough, but it's a lot better than when I first arrived in Rijeka (which the teaching pool was non-existent), so we're alright. Our mother and daughter who had been learning from the Jehovah Witnesses, we felt like that they aren't progressing and aren't ready to move forward yet. So we decided to drop them for a few weeks and then pick them up again. Hopefully they will recognize the difference of not having the church in their life. Then we went contacting with not any success of receiving numbers or addresses. But these all were acts of faith. It's hard to drop investigators. What if they just need that one more lesson to have it click? What if they need to connect with that one member? What if? But we act in faith anyways that they need to be dropped and this will give us more time to find those who are ready. Then during contacting, it's just logic that the more people you talk to, the more numbers you will get, but how is it that we could go a whole day of contacting and receive no numbers then tract three doors and teach three lessons? How come these things happen? How is this possible? Because these are acts of faith. How is it that even though we are righteous we still receive hardships? It's an act of faith. We always have to have that faith during the good times and the hard times. When we drop an investigator, we have to have the faith that God will lead us to someone who is more prepared to receive the gospel. When we go out and contact for three hours with no one wanting to talk to us, we have to have the faith that God will help us find those who are ready as long as we show our desire to become the instruments in his hands. When we pay that 10% of our income for the Lord, how will the Lord provide the way for me to pay the bills? To pay for food? The Lord doesn't lie. In 3 Nephi 18, it describes how to not worry about clothes or food as long as you search for the kingdom of God. When we lose our life for the Lord's sake, we find what life is really about. When we act in faith during the trial, then will the miracles come (Ether 12:12). So on Sunday, after having a really stinky week of not much happening, we received 2 member referrals. One of our investigators came to church for the first time and brought her cousin and the cousin's son who is interested in learning more. Another investigator wants to be baptized at the end of May. Had more members at church than we have had my entire time in Osijek. A less-active teenager who hasn't come to church since at least December came to church. The member I talked about last week decided to come to church too. The miracles always come after the trial of our faith. I experienced this within one week. But I know it continues on throughout our lifetime. Keep having that faith. If there's a commandment or principle you're having a hard time understanding, put God to the test. Put some faith in Him and let Him prove to you what miracles can come about. Put it to the test. Volim vas!
S vjećnom ljubavlju,
Vaša kćer,
Sestra Kristine Jolley
Uvijek Sljedići Braće
S vjećnom ljubavlju,
Vaša kćer,
Sestra Kristine Jolley
Uvijek Sljedići Braće
Monday, April 15, 2013
Week #66
Izdržavanje dobro-Endure well
Another week full of miracles and heartaches. What else should I expect from a missionary life? It started off with a night of tracting and we found an investigator of course the last 5 minutes of tracting. I love it when it happens like that! This woman is very curious. She felt the Holy Ghost with us. She probably wouldn't say it like this, but I think she is looking for more than what her religion is giving her. I gather that because she talks about not being healed from when her husband passed away and that life is just going day by day with not a lot of purpose. We'll help her and her family see the purpose. Another miracle is our Family History class. Dad you would be proud. I came to translate for the senior couple, and it was so awesome to see the growth in these less-actives and investigators that came to the class! They are definitely feeling the Spirit of Elijah and trying to find out where they are from. So many people in these countries have absolutely nothing. Some members don't even know the names of their grandparents. They have to do a lot of searching and it's really hard especially since so much was destroyed when the wars happened. But there are some amazing stories they are finding. Just being there one hour gave me the Spirit of Elijah. Hopefully that spirit will stay with me until I get home, so I can do my own research. Aren't you happy, Dad? :) Then we went to zone conference, and we knew it was going to be about planning and goal setting. I was expecting it to be boring, but it ended up to be really good. I always had a vision what I wanted for these people and I know how to work hard to get things done, but I could never could connect those two things and make them meet! Well, we learned and were uplifted on how to do that. Sestra M and I now have a vision for Osijek to see 3 baptisms before the end of the transfer and 4 more on baptismal date at least! I really feel like this can happen and we can see Osijek grow to a great height! After zone conference, I went on an exchange with Sestra CC in Beograd! It was so much fun to see how much she has grown as a missionary and the miracles that are happening in Beograd. I will admit I had some preconceived notions about Beograd being a super hard city and no success happening, but Sestra CC showed me a different side of Beograd. It's like any other city. There are hard times and successful times, but the success is always happening we just have to find it. We found some wonderful potentials and even one who would be a new investigator if he didn't live in America! But he'll be a great referral to a pair of missionaries. While I was with Sestra CC (my first trainee), Sestra B (my last companion) and Sestra M (my current trainee) made so much progress with some of our investigators! One who said that she won't be baptized until September is now considering May. Another whose boyfriend just got sent to jail and she's been in a state of depression for almost a month, is looking so much better and is coming to church if her mom doesn't need help with the family lunch. But her cousin is interested and wants to learn more, so he said he'll help her come to church next Sunday. I'm so excited to be here right now and help Osijek become a consistent successful city. We just need to connect our vision with our actions and we'll see the growth and miracles every day! The biggest heartache of the week is that one of our members who is so strong texted us and said that she didn't want anything to do with the church anymore. She can do fun things with us, but she doesn't want to be invited to go on lessons, come to church, or go to activities. My heart just broke when I heard that. She has been so strong for so long, and she is losing faith right now. We met with her the day after she sent the text and basically she knows the Church is true, she just doesn't like the people in it. She's alright with us, sisters, but she wants a break. We tried to uplift her and give her life experiences, but it all ended with it being her choice. I pray and hope she'll come back soon. I have seen people leave the church and it may seem like they are happy in the moment because Satan gives that impression. He makes it seem like this is a good choice and that it's easier without the gospel of Jesus Christ. But then down the road, he has a grasp of you and it's harder to get back to the happiness that lasts for eternity. We shared that with her, but she chose to deal with the moment. Sometimes we have to live life moment to moment because that's all the strength we have, but we need that vision to keep us moving forward towards the end. Which end do we have in mind? In Helaman 15:10 it talks about holding onto the enlightenment we once had. Like the prophets and apostles have said, we have to be converted everyday. We have to remember why we were converted in the first place. Hold onto the reason that we are converted for God and want to live with him again. I hope this member will remember the reason why she joined the church and continue being converted. I love you all and hope you are being converted every day and remember what enlightened you. Volim vas jako puno!
S vjećnom ljubavlju,
Vaša kćer,
Sestra Kristine Jolley
Uvijek Sljedići Braće
Vaša kćer,
Sestra Kristine Jolley
Uvijek Sljedići Braće
Monday, April 8, 2013
Week #65
Predsjednik Eyring je pričao o nama!-President Eyring talked about us!
S vjećnom ljubavlju,
Vaśa kćer,
Sestra Kristine Jolley
Uvijek Sljedići Braće
You probably didn't catch this, but during the priesthood session of general conference, Pres. Eyring talked about a boy meeting an American nurse, getting baptized, missionaries coming, himself baptizing someone, then being the only member at church for Easter with a hurt leg. Well that was in our mission! The lovely town of Tuzla, Bosnia. It was so cool hearing about our mission getting mentioned (even though it was not specifically named, but it's great!) so there's a fun fact for you.
Are you ready to hear this again? It was a rough week, so it's time for the blessings! We dropped a few investigators because they weren't really wanting to learn more or work for the truth, and the people we did find were the same as the dropped investigators. But like I have learned my whole mission, when the going gets tough then the tough get going and then the miracles happen! So we just have to hold on a little bit longer and do the right things at the right time. For instance, we went to the health insurance for me and Sestra M to get some menial but important stuff done, so we can stay in the country (which is not one of my favorite things to do, but I do it anyway with a smile). We were sitting waiting for our turn and one of our English flyers went to the floor in front of this young lady and we laughed then I offered it to her. She became interested then asked us what we were doing in Croatia. I love it when people ask us. After I explained, she became very interested, we exchanged numbers and now we have an appointment with her and she wants to bring one of her friends. So I'll let you know how it goes! (If I remember to tell you about that story next week) So this week we'll work for the blessings which will come! We just have to have faith and act on that faith.
Tomorrow, one of the elders leaves for America. It's been very weird seeing all the good-byes. Because my time for that is coming up very fast. I have as much time left since Christmas. Ćudno. Weird. That felt like three days ago when that happened. And in a month is Mother's Day calls! My last call on my mission, what!?!? I can't believe that. But something that has helped me to focus is Pres. Uchtdorf's talk on "Regrets and Resolutions". I was reading it for a member, but it all kept coming back to me and what I needed to do with the time that I have left, so I have as few of regrets as possible. Because I know that I will continue to make mistakes, but if I focus on the potential I have and live up to what Heavenly Father has for me, I will end my mission similar to Enos when he spoke about the end of his life. The last verse saying that I will stand and see his face with pleasure. At the end of my mission, I want pray to my Heavenly Father and know that I did all that I could do and do all that he wants me to do. Before I left on my mission, I had a phrase saying, "No regrets!" And I want to leave my mission saying, "Resolutions!" I've learned that every day there are regrets, but there's a tomorrow full of potential to fulfill resolutions. This mission has changed my life because I have learned to repent, change, and make resolutions. Now I'm just rambling, but I know that God is our loving Heavenly Father and he wants us to be happy. Find the truth, for in there lies the joy. I'm so happy and I can't wait to continue to share this happiness with everyone I meet. Volim vas!
S vjećnom ljubavlju,
Vaśa kćer,
Sestra Kristine Jolley
Uvijek Sljedići Braće
Wednesday, April 3, 2013
Week #64
Sretan Uskrs!-Happy Easter!
Also Happy April Fool's Day! They do celebrate that tradition here in Croatia and the weather wanted to play a prank on us by snowing :( not funny. I have loved having snow, but when my mind has already switched to spring, then I'm not too thrilled when it snows. But oh we'll, I'll get over it. Pres. Rowe did the best April Fool's joke so far today. He starts off as a great week then goes in to some new policies. He talked about to save privacy of members and investigators, we couldn't e-mail anymore except to the mission president, including family. We could only handwrite letters. Then he said to increase proselyting hours, for those learning foreign languages, we needed to wake up at 5:30 am and still go to bed at 10:30 pm. We were not happy about this. Then the next paragraph said April Fool's. I'm grateful our mission president has a sense of humor.
So I have a fresh new companion, Sestra M. She's right from America and already speaking the language and understanding missionary work like a champ. She is so great and this transfer, Osijek is going to grow a ton! So many people are ready!
Speaking of ready people, V was baptized!!! Finally! It was a great week and a wonderful baptism. There were 16 members there and 6 nonmembers. One nonmember was a new investigator we found at one of the member's house. He walked in and said, I would like to know about your religion. There was something in your eyes that is different. We taught him about the Book of Mormon, and then invited him to the baptism. He came, and he liked how he could feel the love for her the whole time. It was super great!
A sad/funny story that happened on Wednesday, Sestra M and my first day together. We were at the bus station in Zagreb Pletikosa early. Had our tickets and waited for our bus. This little van pulls up, and I'm thinking no way is that going to Osijek, we need something bigger. So we're waiting, then 5 minutes until the bus leaves, I finally get the bright idea to ask someone. We asked the van driver, then he said just a minute. We waited, we waited, 2 minutes til. We go over to this big bus, it said to Osijek. I was happy we made it! But then no, the bus is full. Because people can buy tickets on the bus if there is room. But we were too late and as the van was pulling away, I realized the van was going to Osijek too. I didn't mine too much because I thought another bus would leave half an hour or an hour. Nope two more hours. And I didn't have enough money because I just put a reimbursement in for traveling and I only had enough for those first tickets and some food. Called the assistants, got some more money, waited, and almost didn't have enough room for Sestra M's bags on the bus. So since we were on the later bus, we didn't get home until about 11 and didn't get to sleep til about midnight. Exciting first day with Sestra M right?
For Easter, V received the Holy Ghost and she was so cute! I peeked at her during the prayer, and her eyes were wide open and she looked like she was wondering what was going on. I think we should have prepped her a little more about what was going to happen. Then after church gave the branch Easter message to the members who weren't at church, had Easter dinner with our threesome elders and our senior couple. It was great fun! Then we ended the night going to mass with B who has been an investigator for about 7 years. He's quite old, like 87 or something and loves the church, but he can't let go of the Catholic Church because he doesn't want to hurt his family who have passed away. But he was touched that we wanted to go to mass with him on Easter.

Well, how's that for a letter? Miracles are happening all the time and I'm so blessed to be a part of it. We keep finding, keep teaching, and keep moving forward. No scripture today, just read and find something that is impactful to you. The scriptures bring revelation and answers in ways we can't understand. Volim vas!
Monday, March 25, 2013
Week #63
I Tako Dalje (itd.)-Eccetra (etc.)
It's that time of season again for transfers!!! Every time is a bittersweet feeling, but this time I'm blessed to stay in Osijek for at least one more transfer. Sestra B is going to Beograd to be with Sestra C! It's so exciting for them and they'll be able to talk about all the weird habits I have ;) And I will be training again this transfer. There are 5 sisters coming to our mission and then there are 11 coming the next transfer! Therefore all the older missionaries now will most likely be training. It's super cool because I came to this mission with only 4 sister missionaries in Croatia and none in Bosnia or Serbia, then leaving with 20 sisters in at least 2 cities in Serbia, 2 cities in Bosnia, and maybe all 6 cities in Croatia! This is soo exciting!
This week was another week of growing and miracles happening. One huge miracle was with the Jehovah Witnesses. They keep asking questions which is good, but the questions are so specific that we can't answer them all. So I asked them if they asked God to answer their questions. The look in their eyes is the look I search for in every investigators' eyes--sincerity. They are sincerely trying to understand why we believe in the Book of Mormon. They aren't searching for themselves quite yet, but they are making progress. We have come to an understanding of each other and now they want to understand why we believe what we believe. Once they see that, I know they will want to find the truth for themselves.
Another fun thing that happened this week was English class. English classes are hit and miss for me. Sometimes I'm super excited and they're really fun, or it's the finding activity that I dread. But this week for the final class, we set up the church as a town. Each one of us missionaries had a different part of town to be in charge. We had the movies (Mormon messages/I'm a Mormon), post office, travel agency, Wal-Mart, and jail. Every station had something they had to do in English. It was super fun. I was the police woman, so I went around and if I heard any speaking in Croatian, I put them in jail then they had to answer an English question to get out. It was super fun.
Well, again, V didn't get baptized :( But the reason this time was because her husband had work, so we scheduled for it this week. But there's another complication that has come up, then next week we have General Conference. V is sooo ready now! I'm just wondering when she's going to be baptized now. But it will happen. The more we meet with her, the more I see her grow. It's so amazing to see now that she has stopped smoking, the change that has become in her. It reminds me of a member who went on a lesson with us with L and R (the woman who has been meeting with Jehovah Witnesses). The member said that she didn't receive an answer about the Church until she stopped smoking. Therefore, it wasn't until she was keeping the commandments when the Spirit could really teach her. Hopefully, V can get baptized this weekend...again..but we'll see. I'm still praying :)
This week's title is "itd." because I'm getting to the point where this is my life. It's hard still because I'm now figuring out how to improve myself. When I first got here, I saw everything and that I needed to improve in everything. Now I'm getting the gist of things and this will be my second round of training, and I'm just ready to keep going. etc. etc. Yes, I need to improve everything still, but it's not such of a shock. But I know I need to keep moving forward and not just forward but push upward. I need to bump myself up. I think I shared this scripture before, but I feel like it's the scripture that describes what I'm feeling. Alma 32:27. "Arouse your faculties" Change something. If you have that desire, do something about it! I have a desire to be the best missionary that I can be for these last 4 months (I'm still not used to that 4 month thing, but I'm getting a grip on it). There's so much that I still see for Osijek and that I see for me. Now I just need to do something about it. So will you join me and do something different? Get out of the day to day life, and find something that you desire. Then do something about it and become better! Reach that potential that God sees in you. Don't look back with regrets and move forward with faith! Forward and upward! Volim vas!
S vjećnom ljubavlju,
Vaša kćer,
Sestra Kristine Jolley
Uvijek Sljedići Braće
Vaša kćer,
Sestra Kristine Jolley
Uvijek Sljedići Braće
Monday, March 18, 2013
Week #62
Sad je vremena-Now is the time
So after last week's stressful time with V, it ended up being really good for her. She really showed how much she really wants to get baptized. First off, she was a bit confused and distraught why she wasn't getting baptized, but we had a good lesson surrounding Mormon 9:28-29 and D&C 82:3. We taught her that this time before her baptism was a probation time, that she needs to prepare so she knows how to deal with the temptations. She was so disappointed finding out that temptations are still going to happen even after baptism. Haha, good thing that she knows now, so she can know how she needs to endure. She was understanding that. We met with her a few more times throughout the week and by the end of the week, we can see her countenance change completely! She was so ready and was understanding so well! She even told us of a few experiences with her friends telling her she shouldn't get baptized or that they don't want to be her friend anymore because she's joining "the Mormons." But she told them that she decided it and there's nothing that can stop her now. This whole last week, we haven't smelled any smoke on her, and we even popped in unexpectedly during the morning where she has the hardest times. I really feel like this is it. She's ready to receive that strength from the Holy Ghost. It's that time to step up.
Another investigator, L, feels like Joseph Smith. She is the one that has been meeting with the Jehovah Witnesses and she feels good with all of us, but doesn't know which one is best for her. She even had a dream telling her that the Jehovah Witnesses are not the path for her, and she still doesn't know what to do! I think she's just afraid to get an answer right now, because that will mean she has to change. But we'll see how this week goes.
We had many less-actives we have been working with come to church this last week! It was so great! I can't wait to have them come on their own and help those they live with at home and at church to enjoy what they feel.
We had a concert on Friday. It was so nerve wracking! I'm a planner, and we didn't plan this at all. But it worked out great. I played Cherished Moments by Jon Schmidt and a duet with Sestra B My Heavenly Father Loves Me arr. Sally Deford. We also sang a duet called The Prayer of the Children it's a song written by a missionary who served in Serbia. This song can be found on Youtube probably and I heard that the pictures are African children, but if you listen closely to the song, it's about children during a war, the war between Serbia, Croatia and Bosnia. It's a really touching song and I didn't realize that until I sang to these Croatians who were the children in this song. When I sang and looked into their eyes, it was too hard not to cry. There's so much pain in this world, but thank goodness for the Atonement of Jesus Christ. I filled some time during Sacrament meeting yesterday and I talked about the Atonement of Jesus Christ. I quoted how we can feel like Alma in Alma 36:20. We feel so much pain, but we can also feel so much joy! Find the joy in life! Find the hope and comfort we can receive from our Savior everyday. If you're not feeling it, then I can guarantee there's something you need to change. Everyday we need to change so we can feel this peace. Find it. It's worth it. I know this and try to live it every day. Volim vas!
S vjećnom ljubavlju,
Vaša kćer,
Sestra Kristine Jolley
Uvijek Sljedići Braće
Vaša kćer,
Sestra Kristine Jolley
Uvijek Sljedići Braće
Monday, March 11, 2013
Week #61
Najteži Čas-The Hardest Moment
This week was full of goodness and heartache. I'll just start off with why I put the hardest moment as the title of this e-mail. This week V had quit smoking! I was so excited. She had a new energy about her and her husband was super excited for her. Supporting her through and through. We were so excited and I was feeling like this was it. That she's going to make it. Sunday came around and I sat by her at church. She smelled like smoke. You could smell it on her clothes and on her breath. I denied it at first. She has smoker friends and I thought maybe she just had really bad breath. Then she opened her bag to get her Book of Mormon out and I saw a pack of cigarettes. My heart sunk. I prayed for guidance of what I should do, so I asked her after church how stop smoking has been going. She said that she hadn't smoked at all. :( After a few more minutes, I took her to the side and told her that she smelled like smoke, she denied. I then said I saw a pack of cigarettes in her purse. She said that it was empty and that it was old. She took it out and showed that it indeed was empty, but the pack looked too nice to have been in a purse for a week. It broke my heart. I prayed for what needed to be done because she needed to stop smoking a week before getting baptized. I prayed again and I was told I needed to tell her she's not ready to be baptized. I had no idea how to tell this woman that she couldn't get baptized. How can I break her heart for something that she's been looking forward to? So we went to her place and I had no idea where to go. She was surprised we were there, and we small chitchatted and said a prayer. Then we were prompted to one thing and then to another. Then the moment came that I had to tell her. I knew how to say it and that it was the right time to say it, but a part of me didn't want to. This woman has been one of my focuses since coming to Osijek and what we've been working so hard for, I was telling her she couldn't have. I looked at Sestra G (because we were on an exchange) because a part of me was hoping that she would do it, but then once I looked at her, I knew I had to do it. No one else could say this but me. Of all the hardships and trials I have faced on my mission, this was the hardest I think I have experienced. I have so much love for this woman and I want her to be blessed, but because of her actions of disobedience, she can't. Brings a bit more perspective about how God feels for us huh? I didn't call her out and told her we knew she was smoking despite her denials. I just told her with love that the Holy Ghost told me that she needed to wait. She asked why and I asked her if she knew why. She said no, so we kept talking about that she needs to be the strongest she can be before baptism, so when she is baptized, she can tell people that for a surety she knows. That was so hard. But it is what she needs. I've seen so many members here and I'm sure they're in America too that their missionaries thought they were ready but they weren't strong enough. It's so sad. So I'm going on with faith that it will all work out. Because it will, we just need to keep doing the things we need to do. And that's the goodness part of this week. Sestra G came and did an exchange here. We have been together before in Ljubljana and she came here and polished me up. It's been great. Now when Sestra B comes back, we'll press forward with momentum, urgency and effectiveness! This week's scripture is Luke 1:37. Have the faith and keep moving forward! Volim vas!
S vjećnom ljubavlju,
Vaša kćer,
Sestra Kristine Jolley
Uvijek Sljedići Braće
Vaša kćer,
Sestra Kristine Jolley
Uvijek Sljedići Braće
Monday, March 4, 2013
Week #60
Prvi Zadnji-The First Last
Yesterday was the first last that I could count on for sure. As I have left areas, there is always the chance for me to come back to serve there, but this time I knew it was the last one. We had a district conference in Zagreb with all of Croatia. These only happen twice a year, and the next one will probably be in November or December. So this is the last. It felt weird to think about. There's an elder in my district who is going home the end of April and it was weird to both of us that this might be the last time we see some of these people. I tried not to cry when the Zadar people left and then I couldn't hold it any more when the Rijeka people left. I love these people so much and it was hard to watch them leave. I hope I'll be able to see them again, but if not in this life time, in the next.
The conference was intense! V, our investigator who was going to be baptized on Saturday, smoked on Monday, so she couldn't be baptized. They need to be off at least a week. So we sent a text our to everyone involved to say a prayer for her to help her have the strength to stop. On Tuesday, we met with her, and she had an amazing story of being at her friend's place smoking a cigarette and then all of a sudden she felt super sick. She threw up all over the place and knew that smoking was bad for her! She told herself that she had to stop smoking. So she was good until Saturday. When we picked her up to go to the conference in Zagreb, she smelled like smoke. She said it was because of her smoking before and the smell was still on her. Then when we were in Zagreb, she disappeared for about 10 minutes and then I saw her again and she strongly smelled of smoke. I was devastated!!! So during the night meeting, she left almost to the end and I told Sis. B we needed to go after her. So we followed her and she said she was waiting for a call from her husband. Which was true and I think this is the first time she's slept a night without her husband for a long time. So she talked to her husband and then she said she needed to step outside for some air. We said we would like to do that too, and then she said she was going to light a cigarette. We asked her why and it just got really intense and by this point the conference was over and people were coming out. We went in a room to talk more and she was super stressed saying all these things like that she wasn't strong enough to quit and that she wasn't ready to be baptized or anything. I asked her if she wouldn't mind getting a blessing. She was being really stubborn (and I pointed that out to her) and said no. We explained more about blessings and how they are a blessing directly from God. Pretty much instantly after that, Elder I our senior elder, came in and I asked Veronika if it's ok that I ask him to give her a blessing. She said yes. He went and grabbed the branch president in Zagreb and another priesthood holder. He gave a beautiful blessing about strength and enduring. Afterwards, she felt a lot better. She went with another member and the next day I asked her about if she had smoked and she said no and she feels like she won't. She looked in her bag later that night and couldn't find her cigarettes! She doesn't know where they went! This morning she called and she was so happy and said that she's done with not enduring and when can we come over and talk about her baptism! I couldn't believe. After that intense night with the blessing, Sestra B and I were sooo exhausted! I decided I could never become emergency help or a doctor because I couldn't handle that intensity all the time! But I'm so grateful that we were able to help save V's life.
Today we went to Đakovo and we stayed longer than we planned, so we're running super late! But I know that miracles come after the trial of our faith! Ether 12:12!!! I'm experiencing that every day! Volim vas!!!
S vjećnom ljubavlju,
Vaša kćer,
Sestra Kristine Jolley
Uvijek Sljedići Braće
Vaša kćer,
Sestra Kristine Jolley
Uvijek Sljedići Braće
Monday, February 25, 2013
Week #59
Kišapada Blagoslova-Raining of Blessings
Intense week! We went to Zagreb with President R, and it was great! We talked about the area and our companionship like how we plan and work in the area. He gave some good ideas how to focus our efforts and making our "jar of missionary work" filled with rocks instead of filling it with sand first. We arrived in Zagreb and enjoyed my first, in a long time, family home evening with teenagers and little kids. It was so much fun. Slept then the next morning went to the doctor's and received a diagnosis for Sestra B. Every thing's good, she just has low blood pressure. Prescription: more water and salt. So we are on a new diet and it's been really good for both of us which is great because the following week was busy full of finding and teaching!!! We went to many different homes of former investigators and two accepted to hear about the gospel again :) Then along with our time of tracting, two families (both single mothers) are interested to learn more about who we are and "what makes us have so much faith." On Wednesday, we did something I've never done on my mission: splits. Sestra Burton went to V's with a member and I went to a less-active member's home with the senior sister, Sestra I. We both had good, powerful lessons. It was hard because we both wanted to be there for both of the lessons, but the work needs to hasten. So we will be going on splits a lot more which is amazing to me that we have the capability and busyness to do that! Fun fact, we went to a less-active family this last week and they live about 3 kilometers from Hungary. So I saw Hungary for the first time this last week. Weird huh? Last Friday, we had a wonderful activity which I think about 40 people came (usually about 10-15 come each Friday). The church was more full than I have seen it my whole time here! And about half were non members! But one of the best parts was that V came to church, she even came an hour early! She thought it started at 9, but we hustled over after finding out she was early and then had a lesson with her before church started. It was so great! All these blessings just kept pouring and I haven't even mentioned half of the things that happened this week! I'm just grateful to gather the blessings and then keep going forward, so God can bless these people even more.
While I was talking with President R, he mentioned how I'm in an interesting part in my mission. I'm getting comfortable with the language and missionary work. Now what? Then he challenged me to study sacrifice. Therefore, this past week, I've been studying sacrifice mainly with Abraham's sacrifice. There are many things that I could point out, but the part that hit me most was that Abraham knew he was to sacrifice Isaac and he kept going having faith in God. I know if I was him that a lot of the time, I would be hoping that the ram would come along the first day or even when they arrived at the mountain, so I wouldn't have to get to the point of sacrificing my only son. I can only imagine what was going through Abraham's mind the entire time, but he had enough faith and obedience to raise the knife. Then God stopped him and blessed him with one of the greatest blessings heard. The trials we live through, the sacrifices we experience are hard. But the blessings come after we experience them. I can't even count the amount of times of nights we tracted but it's the last few minutes we are let in and have a wonderful lesson (like last night with one of the single mothers). And I know that's how it's going to be the rest of my life. I will be living through a trial, trying and finding the blessings, but then the greatest blessing comes in the last moment. Because Heavenly Father wants us to prove ourselves. Who am I? What am I willing to give up or put in? What will I do? Heavenly Father knows what we will do, but do we? We live through these trials so that we can prove to ourselves that we can do it. We can be faithful. We can have great faith. We can do it. Keep going! Find the faith! And then the blessings will come. Volim vas!
S vjećnom ljubavlju,
Vaša kćer,
Sestra Kristine Jolley
Uvijek Sljedići Braće
Vaša kćer,
Sestra Kristine Jolley
Uvijek Sljedići Braće
Monday, February 18, 2013
Week #58
Što znaći vjera?- What does faith mean?
Sad news. Sestra B started getting dizzy this last week and it remains constant. Sometimes she is more dizzy than other times, but when she's not as dizzy usually she has a headache and it gets stronger all the time. So as she has been talking to the mission nurse and the area doctor, they decided we should go to Zagreb to have her see a doctor. Therefore after we have interviews with Pres. R, he's taking us up Zagreb. Three and a half hours with Pres. R...it will be an interesting ride. No, it will be good. I've just never had that much almost alone time, so it will be interesting. Then tomorrow we're going to the doctor and hopefully be back in Osijek right after that :) But I brought the area book just in case if we have some down time in Zagreb. Then we'll be heading to Zagreb again in 2 weeks for District Conference! I'm so excited!!! I'll see the people from Rijeka AND Zadar! I've missed them and can't wait to see them again, probably for the last time before I leave my mission :( But I'll see them and it will be great :)
Because of Sestra B's health weirdness, we've been taking it easy the last week. So my vision for Osijek couldn't be fulfilled this last week, but we're preparing for when we get back for all steam ahead!
This last week we were able to meet with V who set a baptismal date! She chose March 2!!! All she needs to do is stop smoking. We made a goal for tomorrow to be her last day, so hopefully that will be that. But she is just the sweetest little woman. She's ready to receive the blessings of the gospel.
This week I've been pondering a lot on what faith means. We talk about having faith throughout our trials, and an investigator of ours is going through a rough trial right now. She asked for a miracle and I said that the miracle will come when we have faith and quoted Pres. Monson that, "Our future is as bright as our faith." She replied that her future isn't very bright then because her faith is really down. She asked why she had to go through these trials when she didn't do anything to deserve it. I replied to prove ourselves. That we have to give our all at all times. It's hard because the question comes up "What is our all?" I gave her the example of Sestra B being sick right now, but she's a missionary. Why does she have to be sick when she's here for Him? There is something for us to learn. I referred her to this last conference when Elder Neil L. Andersen gave a talk Trial of Your Faith. It talks a little bit more about why and how we can go through trials. The scripture I thought for this week was D&C 98:12. When we're given a trial, it's the time for us to prove ourselves and show how faithful we are. This last week while Sestra B has had to rest, I had the opportunity to prove myself. I hope the way I used my time calling investigators, members, former investigators, and potentials was a good use of time. Hopefully it will help us be ready the next week when she gets back on her feet and ready to go! So my challenge for all of you is that during whatever trial you are going through right now, pray and ask Heavenly Father what you need to learn. I know I've been learning a lot this week and I will continue to learn as I continue on my mission. I love the trials that come about, because it gives me a chance to prove my faith by doing something. I'm so grateful to be here on a mission. Volim vas!!!
S vjećnom ljubavlju,
Vaša kćer,
Sestra Kristine Jolley
Uvijek Sljedići Braće
Monday, February 11, 2013
Week #57
At first when I was thinking of this week, I was bummed because I thought that we hadn't reached what I wanted to see by the end of the week. But then as I looked more closely, I saw all the miracles that happened this week. Yes, we didn't reach where I wanted us to be, but we reached where we needed to be to start this next week. It started with a lesson with some Jehovah Witnesses. When Sestra B first told me we had some Jehovah Witnesses investigators. I was super nervous. All of my previous contact with Jehovah Witnesses went from frustrating to them yelling. So I was not too excited. But as we talked with them, they were open and just wanted to understand why we thought the way we do. It was great. We're meeting with them again tonight and I pray that the Spirit will speak to their hearts. Their minds are open, but they need to just open their hearts so the Holy Ghost can guide them to truth. A few other miracles this week was that we found an investigator whom we didn't have their number and she was always gone when we went to her place. We were walking on the street and just happened to meet with her. We then got her number and plan to meet with them this week. Another miracle is that a member's mom who wasn't willing to find truth a few years ago said that she is searching and needs help. She's ready now to learn what we and her daughter believes. Meeting with her tomorrow. These are just a few of the miracles this week. But most of all was that we met with V and her husband N. The lesson was all Spirit driven. Before the lesson, N wouldn't let V get baptized because she has been baptized before. Now she can get baptized. He still thinks that getting baptized, no matter the authority, is not right, but he will support his wife because he loves her. We were talking to her on the phone later and she said that N said we were a blessing to their home. I was so excited. He loves what we bring, but he just doesn't realize what it is that we bring. Helaman 5:36 describes my thoughts for these people perfectly. A Nephite who had once belonged to the church saw the faces of Nephi and Lehi (the missionaries there) through the cloud of darkness and saw their faces shining as angels and saw them seeing their eyes lift to heaven and talking as if they were talking to someone. Many people here are looking at us through clouds of darkness and see us as angels. They don't understand the feelings we bring and what we talk about. But when they understand, they know where to look to. They see the angels in their life and the miracles and how to receive more blessings in their life. It's amazing to me. I can't believe how much more love and desire I can feel for these people. I want the best for them and I can't wait to see what this next week brings. I hope we can reach my desire for them this week, but if not, then I pray I do the Lord's desire for us and them this week. I pray that you will do what the Lord desires for you this week too. Volim vas!
S vjećnom ljubavlju,
Vaša kćer,
Sestra Kristine Jolley
Uvijek Sljedići Braće
Vaša kćer,
Sestra Kristine Jolley
Uvijek Sljedići Braće
Monday, February 4, 2013
Week #56
Jesam li u Americi?-Am I in America?
So I ask if I'm in America because I feel like we're busy enough now that it's like we're missionaries in America (Or at least from my perception). Most of my mission, we go out tracting or stop people on the street at least for an hour each day. The next three days are already booked and we have barely been tracting or contacting people on the street the last two weeks! I'm amazed that I'm in Croatia! I knew that Croatia would one day get to this point when I was in Rijeka and Zadar, but I'm seeing it here and now in Osijek. Wow, what a blessing. I'm just grateful for all the hard work of previous missionaries because I know how hard it must have been and now there are so many people who are willing to listen because they have had some contact with the missionaries or they are willing to just listen. It's been very nice. Yes, we talk to some people who aren't nice, naravno (naturally). But there's a special difference here, and I'm grateful to be here at this time.
One woman in particular, V, has been wanting to get baptized, but her husband doesn't understand authority and thinks since she has been baptized she doesn't need to again. But she feels the difference. The only problem is that she's still smoking. She's tried to stop several times, but it hasn't been sticking. So we'll keep trying and it will be great :) And the elders are teaching a few guys who are so close to. It's exciting!!!
I was reading in Helaman this last week and loved chapter 3 especially verse 25! The thought of being "astonished beyond measure" makes me think of Osijek. Osijek can get to the point of amazing people beyond measure. When missionaries, including myself, are called to this area of the world, people just speak about how hard it will probably be and that you don't see much success. And now I think, "Much success? Compared to whom?" Yes, if we were compared to Brazil, well yeah then it seems like it's small, but I'm so grateful to say I see success everyday. Going to three lessons yesterday and three new investigators coming out of it, to me that's one success. Going to church and seeing 3 less-active and two investigators come to church. That's another success. Going home at the end of the day so tired but so happy. That's success. Now having success beyond measure. That I'm excited to see, and Osijek can do it. Another verse which caught my eye was 35. Fast and pray oft. See the growth in your faith. Feel the purification of the Atonement from the Holy Ghost. And all this can happen as we yield our hearts unto God. I'm sooo sooo soooo grateful to be here, right now, in this time in my life. This mission has truly changed my life and I will always be in debt to my Heavenly Father for blessing me to be in this mission so I can learn who I am, what I'm made of, and see the miracles these people create from their faith every day. For miracles are happening everyday as we have faith. So keep up the faith! Allow God to bless you! For he surely does. I know this. Volim vas! Ćao!
S vjećnom ljubavlju,
Vaša kćer,
Sestra Kristine Jolley
Uvijek Sljedići Braće
Vaša kćer,
Sestra Kristine Jolley
Uvijek Sljedići Braće
Monday, January 28, 2013
Week #55
I'm in snow finally! I know I saw the snow in Utah and hearing about snow is probably no big deal to you, but I'm in snow! It's exciting to me to understand what it's like for missionaries to go tracting in the cold and feel like I don't know, an actual missionary during winter :) I don't know why, but the cold puts some more energy in me or something. I will probably wish I was back in warm Zadar in a few weeks, but for now it's good :) This week was a wonderful week of getting used to Osijek. Of course, I still don't know the area but I'm getting more of a feel of what is expected of me here. There are sooo many people that are willing to listen to the gospel. And there are sooo many people who are willing to try also. It was interesting to me when we checked up on a potential and she said that she read and prayed and didn't receive an answer. I wasn't surprised at the part that she didn't receive an answer but I was surprised that she at least tried. The past year, I've been talking to people that either try it and they feel something and keep going (which is a smaller amount) or they shut us down from the beginning. There are so many people here that seem to just try because we simply ask them to. It's so different. I don't mind it one bit :) We have this one investigator that would have been baptized this upcoming Saturday but her husband doesn't want her to be baptized because she already has been. But we'll help him understand more about the apostasy and authority so then they'll both understand and realize how much this is helping them come closer to God.
Speaking of baptisms, on Tuesday, 1 1/2 hours before I left, A. (chicken-blood lady) was baptized :) The entire time I was there. I couldn't believe it. There were so many times that I wondered, "Is she really going to be able to be baptized when I'm here?" Even when she came to church, I couldn't believe it. When we picked her up to go to her baptism, I couldn't believe it. Then when the service started, I was so happy. All the joy came in with all the memories I had with this woman. It was a bitter sweet ending to my time in Zadar. I'm so blessed to have been able to see it. Now I'm blessed to be here and help others understand more and make more covenants with Heavenly Father so they can have greater blessings.

The more I'm in the country, the more I'm grateful to learn another language, so these people can hear the gospel in their language. In 2 Nephi 31:3, it talks about teaching to their understanding and their language. Whether they're young or old, Croatian or American, everyone needs and deserves to learn in their language and to their understanding. I'm so grateful to be here to teach to their understanding and language. And I'm excited to keep going helping and to keep growing myself. Whatever your teaching circumstance whether it's an actual calling, a parent, a friend, or even just talking to some random stranger, I hope that you will talk and teach to their understanding and language. I know if you do the best you can, the Spirit will do the rest. Volim vas!
S vjećnom ljubavlju,
Vaša kćer,
Sestra Kristine Jolley
Uvijek Sljedići Braće
Vaša kćer,
Sestra Kristine Jolley
Uvijek Sljedići Braće
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