Monday, April 29, 2013

Week # 68

Samo Vjeujete-Only Believe
This week it seems like we did nothing, but then after reflecting over the week quite a bit happened. Sestra Mortensen was really sick for about 2 days, so that's where the I feel like nothing happened. But then we have 3 new investigators, 31 people were at church, we already have a full week scheduled for this week, and I'm getting pushed to grow even more (weird huh?). One of the new investigators was the cousin of another investigator who is progressing really well. He has a son and is divorced, but needs something more in his life. He is kind of just going day by day, and we're here to help him understand the gospel, so he doesn't have to live day by day, but live for a future. Our other two investigators are a couple who are atheists, but curious about who we are and who are Mormons. I've never taught atheists after the first lesson and usually we don't even get past the door, so I'm excited for this new challenge of teaching someone who doesn't have any beliefs about God. But as she was talking, she is exactly the kind of person we need in the Church in Croatia. She was talking about how these people can live above their circumstances and can find hope in the future instead of living like the war is still going on. She also talked about that the people are so traditional and how they need to figure things out for themselves and know for themselves instead of knowing because of their parents. She has an eye of faith for these people. And these people need to see that in themselves. She would be so great to have in the branch to help everyone see this hope in themselves! I can't wait to teach her and help her come to this knowledge of the gospel and how it will bless her life. Because I know her disbelief is keeping her from blessings that she could receive if she only believed! In Ether 4:13-14, Christ commands the people to believe so they can receive greater things, greater happiness, and see the great things Father has in store for us. I'm so blessed to have this opportunity on my mission to prove to my Father that I believe. That I want the best for my family and for everyone around me. I will do the things that He wants me to do because I believe. And since I do that, I see the greater things that are in store. Believe and see the greater things that are in store for you and your family! For they are there. I know this.  Do sljedećeg puta! (Until next time!) Volim vas!!!

Monday, April 22, 2013

Week #67

Načelo vjere-Principle of faith
In Mom's e-mail, she ended speaking of how tithing is a principle of faith and that was what I wanted to talk about. This week was a rough week of losing/dropping investigators this week. This has been the lowest teaching pool I've had since coming to Osijek. It's a little rough, but it's a lot better than when I first arrived in Rijeka (which the teaching pool was non-existent), so we're alright. Our mother and daughter who had been learning from the Jehovah Witnesses, we felt like that they aren't progressing and aren't ready to move forward yet. So we decided to drop them for a few weeks and then pick them up again. Hopefully they will recognize the difference of not having the church in their life. Then we went contacting with not any success of receiving numbers or addresses. But these all were acts of faith. It's hard to drop investigators. What if they just need that one more lesson to have it click? What if they need to connect with that one member? What if? But we act in faith anyways that they need to be dropped and this will give us more time to find those who are ready. Then during contacting, it's just logic that the more people you talk to, the more numbers you will get, but how is it that we could go a whole day of contacting and receive no numbers then tract three doors and teach three lessons? How come these things happen? How is this possible? Because these are acts of faith. How is it that even though we are righteous we still receive hardships? It's an act of faith. We always have to have that faith during the good times and the hard times. When we drop an investigator, we have to have the faith that God will lead us to someone who is more prepared to receive the gospel. When we go out and contact for three hours with no one wanting to talk to us, we have to have the faith that God will help us find those who are ready as long as we show our desire to become the instruments in his hands. When we pay that 10% of our income for the Lord, how will the Lord provide the way for me to pay the bills? To pay for food? The Lord doesn't lie. In 3 Nephi 18, it describes how to not worry about clothes or food as long as you search for the kingdom of God. When we lose our life for the Lord's sake, we find what life is really about. When we act in faith during the trial, then will the miracles come (Ether 12:12). So on Sunday, after having a really stinky week of not much happening, we received 2 member referrals. One of our investigators came to church for the first time and brought her cousin and the cousin's son who is interested in learning more. Another investigator wants to be baptized at the end of May. Had more members at church than we have had my entire time in Osijek. A less-active teenager who hasn't come to church since at least December came to church. The member I talked about last week decided to come to church too. The miracles always come after the trial of our faith. I experienced this within one week. But I know it continues on throughout our lifetime. Keep having that faith. If there's a commandment or principle you're having a hard time understanding, put God to the test. Put some faith in Him and let Him prove to you what miracles can come about. Put it to the test. Volim vas!

S vjećnom ljubavlju,
 Vaša kćer,

Sestra Kristine Jolley
Uvijek Sljedići Braće

Monday, April 15, 2013

Week #66

Izdržavanje dobro-Endure well
Another week full of miracles and heartaches. What else should I expect from a missionary life? It started off with a night of tracting and we found an investigator of course the last 5 minutes of tracting. I love it when it happens like that! This woman is very curious. She felt the Holy Ghost with us. She probably wouldn't say it like this, but I think she is looking for more than what her religion is giving her. I gather that because she talks about not being healed from when her husband passed away and that life is just going day by day with not a lot of purpose. We'll help her and her family see the purpose. Another miracle is our Family History class. Dad you would be proud. I came to translate for the senior couple, and it was so awesome to see the growth in these less-actives and investigators that came to the class! They are definitely feeling the Spirit of Elijah and trying to find out where they are from. So many people in these countries have absolutely nothing. Some members don't even know the names of their grandparents. They have to do a lot of searching and it's really hard especially since so much was destroyed when the wars happened. But there are some amazing stories they are finding. Just being there one hour gave me the Spirit of Elijah. Hopefully that spirit will stay with me until I get home, so I can do my own research. Aren't you happy, Dad? :) Then we went to zone conference, and we knew it was going to be about planning and goal setting. I was expecting it to be boring, but it ended up to be really good. I always had a vision what I wanted for these people and I know how to work hard to get things done, but I could never could connect those two things and make them meet! Well, we learned and were uplifted on how to do that. Sestra M and I now have a vision for Osijek to see 3 baptisms before the end of the transfer and 4 more on baptismal date at least! I really feel like this can happen and we can see Osijek grow to a great height! After zone conference, I went on an exchange with Sestra CC in Beograd! It was so much fun to see how much she has grown as a missionary and the miracles that are happening in Beograd. I will admit I had some preconceived notions about Beograd being a super hard city and no success happening, but Sestra CC showed me a different side of Beograd. It's like any other city. There are hard times and successful times, but the success is always happening we just have to find it. We found some wonderful potentials and even one who would be a new investigator if he didn't live in America! But he'll be a great referral to a pair of missionaries. While I was with Sestra CC (my first trainee), Sestra B (my last companion) and Sestra M (my current trainee) made so much progress with some of our investigators! One who said that she won't be baptized until September is now considering May. Another whose boyfriend just got sent to jail and she's been in a state of depression for almost a month, is looking so much better and is coming to church if her mom doesn't need help with the family lunch. But her cousin is interested and wants to learn more, so he said he'll help her come to church next Sunday. I'm so excited to be here right now and help Osijek become a consistent successful city. We just need to connect our vision with our actions and we'll see the growth and miracles every day! The biggest heartache of the week is that one of our members who is so strong texted us and said that she didn't want anything to do with the church anymore. She can do fun things with us, but she doesn't want to be invited to go on lessons, come to church, or go to activities. My heart just broke when I heard that. She has been so strong for so long, and she is losing faith right now. We met with her the day after she sent the text and basically she knows the Church is true, she just doesn't like the people in it. She's alright with us, sisters, but she wants a break. We tried to uplift her and give her life experiences, but it all ended with it being her choice. I pray and hope she'll come back soon. I have seen people leave the church and it may seem like they are happy in the moment because Satan gives that impression. He makes it seem like this is a good choice and that it's easier without the gospel of Jesus Christ. But then down the road, he has a grasp of you and it's harder to get back to the happiness that lasts for eternity. We shared that with her, but she chose to deal with the moment. Sometimes we have to live life moment to moment because that's all the strength we have, but we need that vision to keep us moving forward towards the end. Which end do we have in mind? In Helaman 15:10 it talks about holding onto the enlightenment we once had. Like the prophets and apostles have said, we have to be converted everyday. We have to remember why we were converted in the first place. Hold onto the reason that we are converted for God and want to live with him again. I hope this member will remember the reason why she joined the church and continue being converted. I love you all and hope you are being converted every day and remember what enlightened you. Volim vas jako puno!
 S vjećnom ljubavlju,
 Vaša kćer,

Sestra Kristine Jolley
Uvijek Sljedići Braće

Monday, April 8, 2013

Week #65

Predsjednik Eyring je pričao o nama!-President Eyring talked about us!

You probably didn't catch this, but during the priesthood session of general conference, Pres. Eyring talked about a boy meeting an American nurse, getting baptized, missionaries coming, himself baptizing someone, then being the only member at church for Easter with a hurt leg. Well that was in our mission! The lovely town of Tuzla, Bosnia. It was so cool hearing about our mission getting mentioned (even though it was not specifically named, but it's great!) so there's a fun fact for you.

Are you ready to hear this again? It was a rough week, so it's time for the blessings! We dropped a few investigators because they weren't really wanting to learn more or work for the truth, and the people we did find were the same as the dropped investigators. But like I have learned my whole mission, when the going gets tough then the tough get going and then the miracles happen! So we just have to hold on a little bit longer and do the right things at the right time. For instance, we went to the health insurance for me and Sestra M to get some menial but important stuff done, so we can stay in the country (which is not one of my favorite things to do, but I do it anyway with a smile). We were sitting waiting for our turn and one of our English flyers went to the floor in front of this young lady and we laughed then I offered it to her. She became interested then asked us what we were doing in Croatia. I love it when people ask us. After I explained, she became very interested, we exchanged numbers and now we have an appointment with her and she wants to bring one of her friends. So I'll let you know how it goes! (If I remember to tell you about that story next week) So this week we'll work for the blessings which will come! We just have to have faith and act on that faith. 

Tomorrow, one of the elders leaves for America. It's been very weird seeing all the good-byes. Because my time for that is coming up very fast. I have as much time left since Christmas. Ćudno. Weird. That felt like three days ago when that happened. And in a month is Mother's Day calls! My last call on my mission, what!?!? I can't believe that. But something that has helped me to focus is Pres. Uchtdorf's talk on "Regrets and Resolutions". I was reading it for a member, but it all kept coming back to me and what I needed to do with the time that I have left, so I have as few of regrets as possible. Because I know that I will continue to make mistakes, but if I focus on the potential I have and live up to what Heavenly Father has for me, I will end my mission similar to Enos when he spoke about the end of his life. The last verse saying that I will stand and see his face with pleasure. At the end of my mission, I want pray to my Heavenly Father and know that I did all that I could do and do all that he wants me to do. Before I left on my mission, I had a phrase saying, "No regrets!" And I want to leave my mission saying, "Resolutions!" I've learned that every day there are regrets, but there's a tomorrow full of potential to fulfill resolutions. This mission has changed my life because I have learned to repent, change, and make resolutions. Now I'm just rambling, but I know that God is our loving Heavenly Father and he wants us to be happy. Find the truth, for in there lies the joy. I'm so happy and I can't wait to continue to share this happiness with everyone I meet. Volim vas!

 S vjećnom ljubavlju,
 Vaśa kćer,

Sestra Kristine Jolley
Uvijek Sljedići Braće

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Week #64

Sretan Uskrs!-Happy Easter!

Also Happy April Fool's Day! They do celebrate that tradition here in Croatia and the weather wanted to play a prank on us by snowing :( not funny. I have loved having snow, but when my mind has already switched to spring, then I'm not too thrilled when it snows. But oh we'll, I'll get over it. Pres. Rowe did the best April Fool's joke so far today. He starts off as a great week then goes in to some new policies. He talked about to save privacy of members and investigators, we couldn't e-mail anymore except to the mission president, including family. We could only handwrite letters. Then he said to increase proselyting hours, for those learning foreign languages, we needed to wake up at 5:30 am and still go to bed at 10:30 pm. We were not happy about this. Then the next paragraph said April Fool's. I'm grateful our mission president has a sense of humor.

So I have a fresh new companion, Sestra M. She's right from America and already speaking the language and understanding missionary work like a champ. She is so great and this transfer, Osijek is going to grow a ton! So many people are ready! 

Speaking of ready people, V was baptized!!! Finally! It was a great week and a wonderful baptism. There were 16 members there and 6 nonmembers. One nonmember was a new investigator we found at one of the member's house. He walked in and said, I would like to know about your religion. There was something in your eyes that is different. We taught him about the Book of Mormon, and then invited him to the baptism. He came, and he liked how he could feel the love for her the whole time. It was super great! 

A sad/funny story that happened on Wednesday, Sestra M and my first day together. We were at the bus station in Zagreb Pletikosa early. Had our tickets and waited for our bus. This little van pulls up, and I'm thinking no way is that going to Osijek, we need something bigger. So we're waiting, then 5 minutes until the bus leaves, I finally get the bright idea to ask someone. We asked the van driver, then he said just a minute. We waited, we waited, 2 minutes til. We go over to this big bus, it said to Osijek. I was happy we made it! But then no, the bus is full. Because people can buy tickets on the bus if there is room. But we were too late and as the van was pulling away, I realized the van was going to Osijek too. I didn't mine too much because I thought another bus would leave half an hour or an hour. Nope two more hours. And I didn't have enough money because I just put a reimbursement in for traveling and I only had enough for those first tickets and some food. Called the assistants, got some more money, waited, and almost didn't have enough room for Sestra M's bags on the bus. So since we were on the later bus, we didn't get home until about 11 and didn't get to sleep til about midnight. Exciting first day with Sestra M right?

For Easter, V received the Holy Ghost and she was so cute! I peeked at her during the prayer, and her eyes were wide open and she looked like she was wondering what was going on. I think we should have prepped her a little more about what was going to happen. Then after church gave the branch Easter message to the members who weren't at church, had Easter dinner with our threesome elders and our senior couple. It was great fun! Then we ended the night going to mass with B who has been an investigator for about 7 years. He's quite old, like 87 or something and loves the church, but he can't let go of the Catholic Church because he doesn't want to hurt his family who have passed away. But he was touched that we wanted to go to mass with him on Easter. 

Well, how's that for a letter? Miracles are happening all the time and I'm so blessed to be a part of it. We keep finding, keep teaching, and keep moving forward. No scripture today, just read and find something that is impactful to you. The scriptures bring revelation and answers in ways we can't understand. Volim vas!