Monday, October 22, 2012

Week #41

Pad ili Ljeto?-Fall or Summer?

So today we went out to an island (Uglijan-where they had the 40th celebration) for a hike, and it felt like summer. I can't believe that it's the end of October. I'm still waiting for the cold to come in. Ok so I'm ready for another Rijeka jolt. Again, it was a rough week, but I know the blessings are going to just come in. The middle of my second transfer, I remember how rough it was. Our members weren't helping us, we had a few investigators, and those with baptismal dates weren't going through, it was just rough. Now everyone in our branch is sick or a different problem and we only had four lessons with investigators total. Joj (Oh boy), it was rough. But the last two weeks before I left Rijeka, we had 8 new investigators! And things were looking so up. Yes, I left before we could see where that could go, but I know the blessings are going to come. I've seen them come before and I know they can come again. I feel it! I have no idea how this upcoming week is going to go, but I do know that what I do today will impact my tomorrow and hopefully impact others along the way. For that's the reason why I'm here on a mission. A scripture that fits what I'm feeling perfectly is in Mosiah 4:6. I have come to a knowledge of the goodness of God and everything that comes with that. So I'll put my trust in him and be diligent and continue in faith until the end. This is short, but it's to the point of what I want to say. No matter how many times we go through trials. No matter how much pain we go through in life. There's always a way out. There's an end to the means. But there's no end to God's love. I know this because I feel it right now, even as I write, through the power of the Holy Ghost. Because it's only through the power of the Holy Ghost can we know the truth of spiritual things that we cannot see. Even through this rough time, I am so grateful to be here. Because it's living through these small trials now that I'll be able to live through the big trials throughout my life when I get home. But even those big trials are a small moment in the eternal perspective. I love you all so much and I'm grateful for the impact you have been to me throughout my life! Volim vas! Papa! (little kid's good-bye)

Sa vjećnom ljubavlju,
Vaša kćer,

Sestra Kristine Jolley
Uvijek Sljedići Braće

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