Monday, October 8, 2012

Week #38

Jeste li spremni?-Are you ready?

So this week was full of sooo closes (I don't know how else to call it shortly). The woman we found the week before at first was going to shut us down because she read something she didn't like, but after some explaining and the Spirit working on her, she accepted to read the Book of Mormon and meet again. Then after that it just felt like we went from person to person that would accept to meet sometime but not at the moment or not this week. This last week on Friday, as a mission, we had 30 new investigators. They told us that if every companionship gets one new investigator then we'll overcome our latest record which was 44. We were working so hard to find a new investigator and there was one woman who said she would love to meet with us right then, but her son should be there any minute so we set up a time for today. So we went to person to person and found 3 people last night that we set up lessons with for later this week, but not this last weekend. It was a bummer to us, but we are excited for this upcoming week! Despite that we didn't find a new investigator, our mission found 60 new investigators last week!!! It was so great to see that and hear the success! But this week it's our turn, the success is going to come out this week and explode. Sestra CC and I are ready. Are you ready? I'm not sure if I have told this to you all or not, but the mission has a goal by the end of the year to have 100 baptisms. This is the most in the history of this mission. That means every city, not companionship, in the mission to have 4 baptisms by December 31. It is so possible. Especially seeing the miracles that are happening and the doors that are opening up, it's totally possible, and not only that but God wants it to happen. So all we have to do is align our will with his and to je to (that's that). We'll have more than 100 baptisms by the end of the year and the branches will grow into wards before we even know it. In Luke 1:37, it reminded me of this mission right now. With God, nothing is impossible. He wants so much for this area and He's prepared the people to accept the gospel right now, I know it! I can't wait to share more of those miracles later. Have a great week! Volim vas!!!

Sa vjećnom ljubavlju,
Vaša kćer,

Sestra Kristine Jolley
Uvijek Sljedići Braće

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