Monday, September 17, 2012

Week #36

Nove Promijene-New Changes

So crazy last week. I'm killing off my companion (aka she is going home). We just went from place to place talking to people she wanted to have one last lesson with and we tried to get ready for a baptism. Sadly the baptism didn't go through because we didn't get permission from the mom, BUT we did make progress, so I'm really hoping that the next few weeks there will be a baptism for this girl who has been wanting to be baptized for almost 5 years. More exciting/nerve racking news is that I will be training this transfer. AHH!!!! I don't feel old enough to train but then I realized that I will be hitting my 9 month mark next month. Weird. This has been a crazy ride. Again this is a short letter this week because we need to head to Zagreb, but I want to leave with the scripture in Words of Mormon 1:8. To me this is my purpose and describes exactly how I feel. I pray to God about my brethren that they may once again come to a knowledge of God and that we may rejoice together and be a delightsome people. I hope you feel this way towards the people around you and let's just celebrate together that we have knowledge that God's there and has a plan for our mistakes and to help us learn and grow. Thank goodness!!! I love you all a lot and we'll hear from each other next week! Volim vas puno i čujemo se sledeći tjedan!

Sa vjećnom ljubavlju,
Vaša kćer,

Sestra Kristine Jolley
Uvijek Sljedići Braće

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