Saturday, September 10, 2011

Week 2: I Have a Tale about a Tel to Tell...

I decided to post two blogs this week since one is about my mission call, and if you look at's quite huge. Sorry, but I like to talk (theatre trait).
1. So the Tel that I have to Tell is that a Tel is a mound or hill that was made from previous settlements. These settlements are usually cities that have been destroyed either from being old or enemies or just construction to build up the city. So the streets I walk here at Jerusalem aren't really the same streets that Christ walked. He walked the same area, but there are only a few places where the stones are from Christ's time (very few stones).
2. SUNDAY: Wandered the Old City and West Jerusalem. Oh and I bought something on Sunday; I know, I'm a rebel. (Our Sabbath is on Saturday, so don't think too low of me.)
MONDAY: Had a field trip which was many overlooks of Jerusalem, Bethlehem, Jericho, and many other places.
TUESDAY: Had classes all day! Great classes, but a little overwhelming.
WEDNESDAY: Had classes but during the break between classes went out to the Old City and looked around some more.
THURSDAY: Classes all day, Jazz/Ethnic concert, and received my call!!!
FRIDAY: After class, waited for 3 pm so I could open my call in the Garden of Gethsemane, then went to the Western Wall to welcome in Shabbot (the Sabbath).
SATURDAY: Went to the Garden Tomb before we had Israel District Conference.
3. My tender mercy this week was on Tuesday. It was just a rough day. We started classes, and they were all overwhelming with the reading. I also started feeling homesick because I think my body and mind finally realized that I wasn't going to be home for a few months and this wasn't just a vacation. (It's soo fun, but we are STUDYING abroad not playing abroad.) So I went and did my laundry (I have a very limited supply) and went to study also. Two of my friends, Devin and Brielle, came in. They didn't just come in, but they came in with one of my favorite things in the whole entire world!! SKITTLES!!! Skittles are my absolute favorite candy. They are seriously my comfort food, but I came across the world without them. So silly of me, but Devin was nice enough to ask me if I wanted some. I love her for that! It's AWESOME how Heavenly Father works through people.
4. Sunday was sooo funny!!! We have a new roommate. His name is Larry. Larry the Lizard. My roommate Taylor went outside on our patio for a few minutes and on the way back she saw something run into the room. I was taking a nap at the time, so she didn't want to wake me up and ran for one of her good friends here. They tried to corner it, then shoo it out, but it was soo FAST!!! Well, after a few minutes of trying to corner it, I woke up and then all three of us tried to either catch it (but we didn't want to tear it's tail off) or have Larry run back out the door. We weren't successful. He ended up running underneath Taylor's bed, and we tried to find him. We couldn't find him. We saw glimpses every once in a while that day, but we didn't see him leave the room. We haven't seen him since Sunday, but we're guessing either he is chilling and eating the bugs in our room or he left. We like to think he's still in our room, so we can claim that we have a roommate named Larry just to satisfy some more rebelliousness in us. ;)
5. Yesterday, we went to the Western Wall. I'm not sure how I can explain the feelings I had. The closest of how I can explain it is with a phrase our Academic Director described it: religious envy. At our meeting before going to the Western Wall, he explained how God works in many different ways to help people feel hope or connected to Him somehow and how if we try, we could feel something too. For many Jews, the Western Wall is the most sacred place to them because that's the wall which was part of a temple that was destroyed in 70 AD. To the Jews, this wall that is still standing is the closest place they can feel connected with God. As I was standing there waiting my turn to touch the wall, I was noticing all the different types of Jews and how they were mourning and remembering. As I watched, I felt something. I felt God's love for these people who are trying to do the right thing. Yes, I may not believe in what they believe, but I do respect them for trying to do what's right. It's amazing for this small town, country girl who's always been in the majority to go to this place with so many different beliefs and cultural ideas. It's the end of week 2, and I can't believe how much I have grown to love this place and the people inside and outside the center! I have already begun to feel sad for when I leave, but it's good because then I'll always feel the pressure to not leave a moment for granted. For I'm not going to leave with regrets, only with memories (and maybe some souveniors). Have a GREAT week!!!

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