Sunday, September 4, 2011

Week 1: Am I in Near or Middle East?

As I have been thinking about what exactly what I want to post on my blog every week I decided to put it into 5 sections. 1. My title will tie into the first part because I'll give a little tidbit of something I thought was interesting I learned this week specifically non-spiritual since I'm guessing a lot of my readers are like me and don't have any idea of what goes on in Jerusalem geographically, politically, historically, and all that jazz. Also, not everything I learn these weeks will have the spiritual aspect. 2. I will give a low down of what I did this week (Randi you might want to skip this part; you asked for a heads up;) ). 3. My tender mercy for the week. 4. Something fun/funny that happened. 5. Testimony builder. Now that you all know the set-up you can read it all or just what you are looking for specifically (or none at all, but I'm guessing you'll want to read something or you wouldn't be on here).
1. Our substitute Academic Director who is getting replaced next week (the new one couldn't come until after a wedding) asked us the question if we were in the Middle or Near East? I answered smart-alecky, "Location?" And I was actually part right. Hopefully I understand this correctly (I was kind of sleep deprived at the time), Near East is a term Europeans use since this area is 'Near East' and Middle East is a term us Americans use. I don't know what Asians call it, but I thought it was a nifty tidbit.
2. Monday: Had orientation in Provo then couldn't sleep because I was so stoked!
Tuesday: Flew from SLC to NYC!! Then from NYC to Tel Aviv (an Israeli airport).
Wednesday: Somewhere over the Atlantic Ocean then landed in Tel Aviv. Had Orientation in Jerusalem!
Thursday: Had an orientation walk and more orientation stuff (lots of times trying to stay awake since we were all still jet lagged).
Friday: Went to the Israel Museum (mostly archeological stuff), the Garden Tomb (talk more about that later), and the Old City by ourselves!!!!
Saturday: Had church ( I was chorister for Primary, so much fun!!! Hopefully I get a calling in Primary!) and went to the Garden of Gethsemane (AMAZING, 'nuff said).
3. My tender mercy for the week has been regarding flights. Obviously, I'm grateful I'm here, but seriously. I'm one of the blessed who has been here since the beginning. After our flight made it to NYC, we heard from someone who still had their phone on them taht 51 of our classmates (there are 82 of us all together) were stuck in Phoenix. After that first leg of the trip, their plane which was going to Philadelphia had maintenance problems and got ancelled. When the 30 of us got on the flight, we still didn't know how our friends were going to make it. 16 arrived Friday (note we arrived on Wednesday) while 1 got stuck in Frankfurt because she was put on the waiting list, and 12 more arrived Saturday. 1 student was laready here before because his father is a professor, Bro. Ludlow. If you were counting, yes, you did your math right. 22 people are still not at the Jerusalem Center. I feel very sad for them, but very blessed to be here right now. I can't imagine the last week waiting around to get here. If you look at my schedule, you can see I have done soo much already! I feel like I have been here for a month and want to stay forever! It's so beautiful here, and it's amazing how being in the country! I am so blessed to have Delta pull through for us.
4. Something fun that has happened was after we visited the Garden Tomb. We went into the Old City to just get our bearings and see as many sites as we can. The vendors LOVE us. I cannot express it anymore than that. We just walk down the streets and they ask, "Mormon?" and we reply, "Yes." then they get these HUGE smiles on their faces and say, "Welcome!" and try to get us in our shops. I'm guessing they've had plenty of students come by from the 'Mormon University' (no one knows us from the BYU Jerusalem Center). We had one man, who stopped us on our orientation walk to give us discount cards, stop us again and actually was able to get us into his shop (it was probably my fault but I'll take the blame!) We walked in and he offered us some fruit juice ( he knew that we didn't drink coffee or tea; again previous students) then he dressed us up in legitimate dressess and headdress. We got pictures; don't worry, I got some nice pics. I wish I could post them, but our internet stream can't handle all of us downloading pictures onto the internet so they made a rule to not let anyone. It's cool. You'll just have to come back later for the good stuff. ;) He seemed bummed after we had a good time taking pictures that we didn't buy anything, but I'll definitely come back later not only because his stuff is cheaper than other places I saw, but because he tried so hard. I respect him for his effort and feel like he should get something for it. And if anything, I should pay him for the fun we had!
5. Finally what will probably be my favorite part of my blogs: testimony builder. On Friday, we went to the Garden Tomb. We were supposed to start classes but since a good amount of the students weren't here yet, we did a field trip instead. When we arrived at the Garden Tomb, we had to wait outside a little bit, so we sang some resurrection hymns. Our group has AMAZING voices, and the Spirit came in so quickly. I love how music can do that. As we walked, the tour guide kept telling us how historians THINK where the crucifixion and resurrection were at but no one really KNOWS. He also kept reminding us that the place wasn't the important part, but the subject was what is really important. After the tour and seeing where supposedly Christ's crucifixion and resurrection was, we gathered as a group and had a devotional. We can't talk about our faith to others unless they are already members. So there was a little spot designed for groups, and we sang hymns and two of our professors gave us some thoughts. I'll be saying this a lot but it describes what I feel: it was amazing. The Spirit was so strong, and I'm just so grateful to be here where Christ walked and talked. Where He healed the sick, blind, and lame. Where He suffered, died, and resurrected. But I realized in the Garden of Gethsemane that what he did is important, but it is not the most important thing. He did ALL those things for ME (and you but this thought was directed towards me). If I don't remember and strive to be better, all those events will just be events. What Christ did and how it impacts me right now is the important realization. For Christ is not gone, He's LIVING though me right now. I made the mistake to not understand that until I came here. But if that's all I learn this semester, it will be enough to get me through to the end and return to my Heavenly Father and Savior, Jesus Christ. Thank goodness though, that this will not be the only thing I learn this semester. I'm so grateful for the adventure that is ahead of me, and I hope you'll enjoy it too. Until next week!

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