Monday, June 2, 2014

Weak Superheroes

Ever since coming back from my mission, I heard of all these superhero movies: Iron-Man, the Hulk, Captain America, Avengers, and so on. This week I finally finished watching all of them (at least that I know of). I loved watching all the action, remembering the stories, and learning the lessons. These superheroes all had weaknesses or at least what they saw as weaknesses. Superman was a weirdo. Ironman was a selfish rich man. The Hulk had a anger management problem. Captain America was too physically weak for anything "worthwhile". But the thing is that these weaknesses could be changed.

In The Book of Mormon, Ether 12:27, it states, "And if men come unto me [the Lord] I will show unto them their weakness. I give unto men weakness that they may be humble; and my grace is sufficient for all men that humble themselves before me; for if they humble themselves before me, and have faith in me, then will I make weak things become strong unto them." There are many weaknesses which we all have (I could list my own in as many words as the dictionary), but we can use these weaknesses and turn them into strengths. I talked about this with a companion of mine in Croatia. For instance, pride as a whole is a bad attribute. But there are many characteristics of pride like being stubborn for what you believe is right and seeing the potential of the future. These characteristics are good things IF used within balance. A great strength is to fight for your goals and being stubborn enough to reach them. But if you're going overboard and missing out on the important things of life then that's where humility comes in to save your strength to not become a weakness. On the mission, I was known as an organizer. That was my strength, but it became a weakness when I missed out on living in the moment. I was focused on meeting our plans for the day, I didn't become humble enough to allow God to lead the plans of the day. Gratefully, I had companions who showed me how to enjoy the spontaneity of life. I'm still working on the balance, but I know that through time, I won't allow my talent of being organized become a weakness. I just need to be humble and see those opportunities where my weaknesses can become strengths and where my strengths can become even stronger.

I noticed in these superhero movies that all these men noticed themselves as weak. Well, maybe not Ironman at first, but he didn't give up when his circumstances made him weaker. His heart was changed to something that many would have thought held Tony Stark back. Yet he rose to the occasion and used his strengths to help raise his weaknesses. He was able to improve and change through time as he took the time to change his heart--physically and personality wise. (Did you notice at the end of each movie he had a better heart and he also became a better person? Love symbolism!) The Hulk turns into this radioactive strong huge man that goes off on anger emotions, but he learns to control his emotions for the use of good. (I'm not promoting anger, but I'm just trying to make a point) Superman had a rough childhood. He didn't understand who he was or why he was different than anyone else. Superman saw all his differences as weaknesses until he saw his true worth. He saw his potential. Then my favorite superhero, Captain America, was a determined man who was set back because others saw him as weak. But his physical weaknesses built his emotional and mental state into a man who Dr. Erskine saw. Those physical weaknesses gave him even stronger strengths which made him more worthy than anyone else for the change which would make him stronger than he could ever imagine.

We underestimate ourselves. We see our weaknesses as just that-weaknesses. But through time, God helps us see us as we truly are, we just need to accept the fact of how AMAZING we are. We are the superheroes. We may see ourselves as weak, but God sees us for who we truly are. Yes, there may need to be a change of heart or of sight. Or there may need to be a balancing act. But we honestly are superheroes. I can name several superheroes in my life. They wouldn't admit it that they are awesome because they see themselves as weak. But I would make a movie of their life because of the impact they have had to change this world into a better place. That's what superheroes do, right? For I know they have changed my world. So if you are feeling down because of all the 'weaknesses' you have. Change that mindset and be grateful because those weaknesses are making you into a stronger superhero. For God made it that way, so we could have faith in Him and grow into the best we can be. I know you can. I have faith in you like I do in my Savior, Jesus Christ who is the greatest superhero of all. He saved the world, and I know He continues to show us the way. Find the way. Find the change within yourself and see yourself as the superhero who you truly are. Volim vas.

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