Thursday, August 20, 2009

Bike Biff

On my second week of college, I was riding my bike to devotional. Just took my normal route and saw a truck sitting on the side of the road right in the middle of the bike lane. I thought, "No problem. I'll just get on the sidewalk." Mistake. As I was going up a driveway to get on the sidewalk, my tire didn't quite make it past the two inch curb between the road and driveway. Yeah, biffed it hard!!! I just sat there a second, laughing at how funny that must have looked, wished someone got it on camera, got up and headed to devotional. I took these pics a few weeks later because I just got busy with college and knew that I needed to get a picture of my battle wounds before they healed (I won by the way. The sidewalk looks really bad, but that might have been before I fell. We won't mention that). I still have some lovely scars from it, but I'll always remember my first few weeks of college now.


  1. You definitely have some memory material for your first few weeks. I hope the first few weeks of the next semester go much, much better. Beverly Hall

  2. aww!!! Kristine! Your face looks so sad in that last one! You look like you need a hug! Wish we were there to give you one!
    Those are some awesome battle wounds and a great story! Sounds like something I would do. You sure look like you are having a blast with college though! Keep up the posts! They are very entertaining!
    Love you!

  3. Good attitute about always remembering your first term at the Y! It is true, you will be pointing out your scares and you will come to that one and you will have a great story to tell. Love ya! Robin
